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Show By ineaiuieuieut we ren n I ly determined deter-mined Ibal, hum a certain itrlpol land having 34 rod. titer front on tho Wilier river, over 100 iquare rode hai betu cblaeled out aud carrlid an wltliln tbalaattcii)eari To the email fauna ol tbli valley iucb a loia la imiilderablo aud it li a Ion, for, aatberuls prao tUally nodepoait In thla purt ol the atreaut'a lourie, the land ttumut au tannot lw teilolmcl lie Joubl not that Chalk Creek la doing ilmilar work and we believe lliatland ownera would lurely llnd It profitable, and will oorer or later And it neicnary, tu coiiatrilct barrlaii aalnit the encroachment, of tbeaeetreame |