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Show FIQHT DEFORE CALUMIMT. lamrarnU t,,nlt I rr lefb "I llreanl 1lrn lr ' Trmi Washington, April -lhe follow-Ing follow-Ing dispatch ha been recelvril at the war ilipartment from Manila under date of SprllJJ lieneral MocArthura division fought It wny to the I illplno trenches before lalnmplt today ad vaurlng four mile, mostly throigli woods and Jungh. and ending the Hag Hag river This was aceom pllshed ataomt to the iiirrleanaof six killed and twenty eight wuimdol the Klral Mouth llakota regiment Wing tlie hravlist hwer. Alter fording the rlvir tho Mouth llskotant pursucil tho Insurgent to tho outskirts of Hit city of (nliimplt. but that town was found to Iw so strongly protected that llrueml MauVrthur deemed It Intt to withdraw the 1 1 red I lluhtcrs and go Into eauiii for u night rest, before making the lluul nsMiilL T lir largest building In Uilumplt were lclng llndbj the I'lllplmn wliilo tlm merloaii werecrosslng the river, fully n tulle away allowing lliernemy Intl ntlon to abandon the village I he llllplno have adopted, a settled policy of retiring from ono position after another, an-other, Inllletlug the greatest possible damage upon the advanelug army Theforci today were nclldrlllid livery foot of the ground wa tena cloudy disputed by the thoroughly urganiriil tnxips who sIishI remarkably remark-ably tlrm iven Kfore artillery lire The (Mali battery wat mguged In the action and did heroic work The Kansa regiment had thrrt wouuded during the ihargt and the Utah light artillery one killed and twe wounded Most of the other instiallltr befell the Koutli Dakota regiment It IsdlnliuU to iktluialo the insur grnt Ins but liny are no fiwirthai mm fWUI.Ii ',y,t-llmt1jttv, artillery. |