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Show QUAY WINS OUT. Jary tlelsrrs Mini Nol (lolllj and fltner-nor fltner-nor AH,lnls Htm Hrnalor. Philadelphia, April 31 Mathew Ntantey Quay ha been deilared bj a Jury to be not guilty of the charge of conspiracy to use for his own unlawful gain and profit the funds of the ttate of Pennsylvania depoalteil In the Peo plea bank of Philadelphia Senator Quay received the venlict with n broad smile on hi face nml reiKinded pleasantly pleas-antly to the congratulation of Ida many frlenda present Immediate! upon the receipt of the newa that Senator Quay na acquitted of the charge against hlin (lovernor Htono nppolntid htm United State senator to llll tho vaeaniy until tlie next legislature meets, and nutlllcd vlcc-Prcslilciit llobart (lovernor Stone laid that III appointing Senator Quny he felt ho had dono the tit and proper thing He thought It would make tho Issui, and Is be tter done now than nftcr waiting for weeks. The authority quoted by the governor sn) a that tho gorernorof nny state-tnaj make tern-iwrnri tern-iwrnri appointment during a recess, to hold until the next legislature meet. |