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Show LNOAOEMENT AT QUINOUA. lias (Ifflrrr an I Tlirei, Mm Irnni t lali list- larr iiiwiic Ilia tlnun,U,t. Washington, April 31 lhe follow- I Ing incasago from Cjulnguu hna been I rccilved at the wnr dipartmint "Manila, April 3J Adjutant (liner- j al, Washington A riioiinoltsance on Qulugua, tlx mile northeast of Malo-lot, Malo-lot, made by Major Hell and n troop of cavalry this inornlug, mulled in contact con-tact and a battle In which four battnl- j lont of Infantry and four pieces of artillery ar-tillery became engaged The enemy wa driven from the cntrencliinints at Qulugua with considerable loss. Our casualties qutlu aevire Colonel Htot-senberg Htot-senberg and Lieutenant .Sessions, 1 Irst Nebraska, wore Llllul, also several enlisted en-listed men Ou." Later the following dispatch wa received re-ceived "Manila April 33 Adjutant (leneral, (lener-al, Washington Casualties at Cjuln-gua Cjuln-gua todays I Irst ?itbraska, two olll-cera olll-cera and two unlisted men killed; two otllccr mid twintysW enlisted mcii wounded; Fourth tavalry, two mcu killed aud live men wounded, 1 ifty-Brit ifty-Brit Iowa, seven enlisted men wounded) Utah light artillery, one otllccr and twocullstcd men wounded; toUil, forty nluo Otlt." Colonel rilotscnbcrg ha won a rrpu tatlon atone of thu bravest lighters lu tho army He nlwajs led hit nglmcnt and hud achieved nmurkublo popularity popular-ity with hit mill slnic tho war began, although during Ills Unit colonelcy, the volunteer who were not used to tlie rigid discipline of the ngulur troops, thought him a hanl ofllcer Tho colonul led his men In a charge against the enemy, und full about .'00 yanli from their breastworks, shot through tho heart. Lieutenant Mlason fell with a bullet In hi heart, the bullet striking strik-ing hlui near tho nlctii'o of a girl, suspended by a ribbon from hi neck |