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Show MRS. JANE TAYLOR DEAD. Pioneer Woman Passes Away at Her Home In Falrvlew, Wyo. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDIDN", Feb. 12. Information has been received in this city announcing the death of Mrs. Jane -Taylor at Falrvlew, Wyo., yesterday. Tho body will bo sent to Ogden for Interment. Mrs. Taylor, who was born In Canada eighty-four years ago. was a daughter of James Lake, a Utah pioneer. She was the wife of the late Joseph Taylor, who resided at Farr WesL She Is survived by tho following daughters: daugh-ters: Mr.. M. J. Taylor, Artesla. Wyo.: Mrs. Jane Balrd, Lcwlston. Utah: Mrs. Elizabeth Baehman, Hanisville, and Mrs. Ainunda Child. Falrvlew, Wyo. There are also thirty grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The arrangements for the funoral will not bo announced until un-til after tho arrival of the body. |