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Show The Age of Slang. "The way you Now Yorkers address uno another Is still strnngo to mo although I havo been coming ioro fot years," said a visiting Now Knglnndcr "Ono would Judge that )ou had nc Christian names. I coldom hear one used, oxcept formally. It's 'old man, or 'old fellow,' and oven In speaking to your wives It's ilttlo ono,' 'little woman,' or soino other silly dlmluu tivo. Tho women don't seem to be much bettor, with such torms as 'boy,' nnd 'hubby.' Tho children aro likewise like-wise misnamed nnd seem to under stand only such nppollatlons ns 'kid' and ilttlo rascal.' My daughter came horo with the good old Now Kngland namo of l'rlscllla, but I hear her call cd 'Prissy,' and somo ovon mako II 'Cllly.' This Is cortalnly an ago ol slang." New York Sun, |