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Show -Jrfi WILL LIVE IN HISTORY'S PAGES. Famous Highway to the Southwest Dullt Only a Century Ago. A hundred jears ugo the eyes of America wero on tho southwest. We worn on tho edge ot the war with Spain over tho closing of tho Missis slppl, and under orders from Washing ton, Wilkinson, In command ot Tor Adams, held solemn conclave with tin Indians who owned the cast bank ol tho big rlter, nml by treaty establish ed n sacred post road through thelt countrj'. It left Nasbllle on tho old lluffak trace, crossed the Tentiessw nt Col bort's ferry below the Mussel shoals and, striking tho hills back ot the Ills. Illack, came down to Natchez nnd ot to New Orleans, with n branch to the Walnut hills. The road was more than a military necessity, for bo mnti) plrntcs Infested the Mississippi thai merchant! returning from New Or leans needed a safer route homo with their money. After It wns opened It boenmo nil things to the southwest. Mothodlsir went down Hint way In tho person ol Tobias Gibson; later Lorenzo How fol lowed him with tho camp meeting -spirit. Old Hickory marched his nrnij down to Nntchcz over this routo In 1813 nnd marched It back again next spring. And from that day till near!) our own It has boon the great ccntei of that country's! activity. Now the railroads havo come, the settlers hnvc moed down Into tho vnllejs ant' opened up xiorur roads In tho beds ol branches and through swampy low hinds. Hut the Truce Is still there upon Its ridges, the bent road of tbetn all. Kverj body's Magazine. |