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Show 'fr ' I Local & News It-ns OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES. OUR-SELVES. W. N. Oimdr.' was a Salt Lako visitor visi-tor this week. Jt .' Parties oro suriejlng a linn for tho Independent telephone to (irantsvlllc. . Oscar Andcrhon of Stockton, who tins been 111 for some tlmu, Is convalescent. conva-lescent. ,n J G. U. Hammoad's smiling count e-niiiice' e-niiiice' was seen on Stockton's streets this week. J Mr. and .Mrs. Harry t'oinuu spept two or Ihrri; days this week with relatives rela-tives at Tooeje. ; .' I'r.ink W. llfcluird, phin'st, sp"ni Weilnesdav-ln our tjwn, ranvasslng for pupils on the i hu oforte. .: v WlllhiMi M. Ma-Us uf Tootdc was n visitor to Stockton I'iil"e No, an, I. O. 0. F., hist Sntuiilny night. W. K. Murdock alii Miss Ksielle Duiifdrtl ofcRtool;tni i)ere iiii,iirled ut S.iu-Kranclsro, Cal. l-rL-Tiiusday. - -.; . Ji V.v porftcf. ns a bevi rag or Incillrlno Is 1. W. Hill per Whiske.V. ilie lifnil your grniulfalhoi up i aiim A: Co. .t ('ounclliii'iii l.n mid wife went to Suit Lake Inst wei, to Mtfr.il the fun-el fun-el al of their uleci-. .Mlns .lull.i .Michel-sou. .Michel-sou. Jt J Jumps P.ilmer, a wrdliinnAn and hlghly-respecied rltizn of (JrHiitsvllle, was linriod on ihe 1'th lut. He was 85 yn.ira of age. , St . .1. M. Tlppeti of Hi- Portland mine, Victor, Colo., and O. M. Taylor of tb Colorado Springs Reduction works, spent a dav in rump this week. J i Mr. Thus. Conway was a passenger on tho early morning train to Knit Lako C'ltv, from when- she went to West Jordan, to vlult ht-r slslir. ' Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Kr.ill- Tnn.de spent ii social tvfnlng with the members mem-bers of tho Iteliekah and Odd Fellows lodges at Stockton hmc .Sui'ir.luv iMri. Ida Bclif-rz!iijr bus siiff'-l-' Iri organizing a Hooklovr' Llbriir lr .Mercur, which glvo.-i Its members ihe prlvllego Of lending lf0 vdumi-s. J Dr. .1. H. Talt left tor KunaH Cli las.1 Thursday. He will h- gone about ten days. He hopes to be bark In time to bo heard la the rlty campaign. '.. J . A certain yoitnc; man of Stockton (tpenrtsmost of his aparti time In con-THrsntlon con-THrsntlon wltb another rnan'x ir'tt-brvtj ir'tt-brvtj during tho ubtnee of tin latter from-'Unl (air on Ida. Hi; Is not 1 1 erne to a quiet back v ird tllrtatlon. either, in fact, from all reports he's ft nguliir "buttinski." I JS i Krnost (iiiyford. long lilentined with llio grout ejanlile plum of (he cni. t rear, hns returned from South Cr-"line, Cr-"line, and will resiitnu bis work with Tliat i(iiiiifiin . I ' The sto'k visited the home of Mr. Tml Mrs. Willliim Talu of T(k.I list Jlenilii), leaving there u bouneltig s-.iltj b'O. Mrs. Tal was former!) .diss Belle (tiiiulry of our town. I The Mercur lodge 1. O. () P Is iimk-fjig iimk-fjig preparations to give the membir of (hu Stockton inn Ophlr loiltc . ItiiuI Hiiim on Oih ocrasloii of tld'r sit to Mercur on October 2,".. y Mes-s. ,1ns. Ilrown. H. Maektiisnn id A. DonililKon left last Wedtiesda) I uornlng for a rcveral diivs' hnlitlnc wlp In Hlckinau eiiuvon, lo which phici tn) liHie gone In quest of grouse utid olhur fowl. 1 t it .1?. M. Dellnll. who wnt lo NVphl sjiiie time ago, extuctlng to make that (Jwil Ills fnliire home, ri'tllllied (' ocktoii this week and has decided tfiie ur" worse places tlmu Stockton., NuphlV Iofs Is .loekton's gain. jfCwo eideenied tltlzelis of Tisielu ile' (Qnod this lire bml week. Thev wire jbt. .Mni.v Kill, mid John (!. Haggle. Tlie lutttr wi 73 )eirs of age and (he forinir jvais old. This paper Mas In lympHth) tor the friends of liotli He deceiiSLil. ,; s 'TS.fuds Slliisbiiig. the genlnl ex-Ma) . oTooele. wn In Ids element Saturdiv night during his visit with the Assem blv oincers and members of Stockton Sntisldiio Reliekiili lodge No. H',. Ill o Stls n great nduilrer of the fair m-x aiyl alwa.iR affords us miiih pltiisurr nml merriment us lie enJos Thr lntrli-strlng Is always oul, Ilro, S. Conn again. 1 llio Republican primary held In I tig Btockton schoolhousn lust Moniln) cvjjnlng, for Ihe purimse of nnmlnutln cnndldates for town olflces. the follow InJG named persons were successful Pof town president, Jus. O. Ilrown; fo-town fo-town trustees, H. Thomas, (Ji-orr Brnde, Jus, Hickman and Ii R. MncV lnin. Kor Justice of the Pence. W AnerJiBjrtkliHifjiorongh Inspectlor of jhii Dhdptnonirmlns ut Stoo'-orlll?WlLHt4HUP Stoo'-orlll?WlLHt4HUP and (Itnora' IfJi!;vteJcXIt1Bl!Blu.:nonJlf Salt Uik'eTCtty "Mlinrtav night, the Gilmer Gil-mer nt onco continuing his Journc R;lst, after expressing to Manager Al I'xanilor his complete Hitlsfactlon wit' th" progress of tho work anil the pres-ent pres-ent showing. .1 J Sntnrilny evening, October H Sun shine Reheknlt lodve No. Id, of Slock ton, entertained the following gram' lodgo officers: Past Piesldinl Chun K Cook, Past Treasurer (!imr,v, l'reslden Uvn Darko and Warden Saruli Hi ere-ton. ere-ton. After an eujo)ablo and Insiiur-the Insiiur-the meeting, a sumptuous lunch) or was served lind sorlnl time eiijojci by Rcbekiilis and Odd Pillows. As Is genernlly known among thnt.f fiimlllar with the mines at Stockton tho niuck Diamond ground, comprising fifty acres, joins thu famous Horn rinr mines on tho west and tint ores are Identical with those found In this groa property. The claims me woiked through the great lloncrine drain tun nel, which extends through all (he itround and atfards the besi of oppor 1 unities for complete dovelopmi 111 nc well as complete dralirigc. Oro carrying 10 per cent e d mi 'otirteen nunres of silver Is now cum-'iit cum-'iit from tho Hhrk Dlamon 1 min- s Stockton, In good-sized lots, iilihoii': is yet no attempt iins hei 11 m . f lest tho ciiiTlty of pioiluciuin s 1 Manager Alexander Tiusd'i Tb workmen nr now oiitnln". nuo'h 'Imtn of blgh-trriMle shlpii.ng 'no 111 in dm west drift, which Is w nn'n out with every shot and proml- s tr no velnp Into 11 permanent an I v.Iii 11' deposit. , . .'t Mrs. Kuihcrlnc Klrkend ill It ' Of Stockton Is al Hoh Cnts b ispiuil Suit Luke Clt, where she wu t.iki n October 12, suffirlm' fiotu pbou' fever. Mrs. RiishiII Is Ilie wife id llranch 'Russell, who Is well kn'wr lierniilioutH mid, was a lesldeii' of 0111 town for a few mouths, during whb'l' llmo she endeared liermdr to iIiiim' w tl whom she lieninie iiripialnii d b hi 1 many admirable qualities, lb 1 frit mb In Stockton hope to hear of tier rapid convalescence. i .' Ono of Stockton's gallant )oung men was escorting u fulrt ono (o her home recently, after a most p!e,iaut evening spent In tripping lite light fantastic with said charmer, wien u .uddtu gust of wind carried bis tine Kh tsou but from bis head am! whirled it a.i In ihe darkness, Tlie fair one rtrtitlnb "hail a string" on her iscort and ho wishes she had 11 let) hud 0110 ou hlr1 hut, which lias not t bien reeovrnd by Its owner. Auy (bllngs ot tlm lost irilcU will be graterully ncled lo Ihe loser, U left at the HuriMU of In formation. Tl o American Pork elliteoH ban nom anted u eltlzenh ticket for 'In uiisi Ing term. Samuel Dean was clrtt ed e lulrmun and James Ilrown, serro tiiry Thu following ticket was flnull) 110m nuted: Mn)or, J. Ii Jensen (Rpi .); four )ear term rouDClltnan, Ttitifaas J. Chlpiuao, (Rep.): two jcar terui couocllmun, C. M. Heck, (Rep,); two )e,ir term enii?l'lniuti, 'J Y (In-eiiwood, (Sue.)' tilio oa-v Mm coiiaellmiili, A. Ilowb; (IWpi, -o eotder. Leo T. Shell..)1', .Rep.); tins ur. r, J. S. Wilde, iDem): jusilc. IC li .Vcllrli. (Rep.); luiirshall, 'It Ij iJoolli, (Hfp.) |