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Show Practical Toys. Toys, whether useful or as a pastime pas-time as Instructors, aro fascinating. However, tho up-to-dato toy Is practical. prac-tical. Children havo mlnlaturo working work-ing autos. A make-bellovo train, a splendid toy, Is a real train of cars with real locomotlvo and real track. Thero nro children out West on whoso fathers' property small streams rross. Theso boys Imltato tho things thoy seo going on nbout them. Thoy build dams, check tho wator, construct con-struct mlnlaturo systems of Irrigation In exact copy ot tho plan used by tho farmers of that country. Tho water thus damned nourishes n garden plot of tholr own. In this play thero Is tho dignity of education. |