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Show I ' WE MAKE TRAVEL.! H EASY. I H Tlio Sign of Safety, Speed and Com- H 3 Trains Daily. 3 H From UTAH to KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, H GALVESTON,'. ELjPASO. H And tbo Mining Camps of NEW MEX- H ICO AND ARIZONA. H Ask us about Cheap Ilatos this Bum- H C. F. WARREN, H GoncrnI Agent. H The Atchlion, Topoka & Santa Fo B Railway Company. H Salt Lake City, Utah. l B ZM?aKkiiJL M H To bo assured of a pleasant trip I H oast, purcbaso your ttcKots via tbo J H Illinois Central Rail- road H from Omaba to Chicago. H First-class sorvlco also between H Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago H and St. Louis, as well as all points In H tbo South and Southeast H For full Information call on or wrlto B J. A. FOLEY, H Commercial Agent, H No. 7G West Second South Street. H BEt? ktr ''HHi 1 Through Servlo I 1 STrfMls I M through scenic P I COLORADO I1 UISAS S LISSOM I fl H BUCEPINC, CARS, I ! H OBSERVATION ) DININQ CAR8. , ' H H Klkotric Liqi ts. j H CL.cTnio fai. n : H REOU NINO CHAIN OAKS .' H Iiuti fn), H ' H )s-TQ.QAT JAY COACUCs, H I H Hrrn,Ticuit, unit, m,nm I j H jH H. O.TO VNBCMD, H i H eeBSJSBBSSSSSLst PBflheBsSHI DR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, 'f s gllooms G nnd'c Walker Rank Hulld- 0 Ing. Salt Lako City, . gWlth Dr. Hector Grlswold 'for th S past three years. ( W.i.i.f.i.i.i.r.i.i.i.r'J'?.(l'JU'Wil(?HHi!J$ j R. H. Officer & Co.. Assayers and Chemists. Ji 169 8. W. Templo BL, Salt Lakcfv city. Wrlto for Mailing Sacks. i F. M. BISHOP, I A88AYER. 120 W. 2nd Boutb, Salt Lake Clty.fc g Opposite Poatofflce. S Mailing Sacks Furnished. g CYRUS 0. QATRBLL R Attorney & Counselor. S X 410 D. F. Walkor DulMlae;, Salt Lako City. THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. We Buy, Sell and Trade Real Estate. Wo havo a largo list of farms and elty property, vacant and Improved, cheaper than any other Arm. Call and too ub. 63 V4 West Second South 8L, tult Lako City. THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A posltlvo and permanent euro for arunkonnoss and tho opium diseases. There la no publicity, no Blcknoas. Ladles La-dles treatod as privately as at their own homes. Tho Kcoley Institute 331 W.Bo. Temple. Salt Lnko City, Utah. WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt Laka City. Located In tho hoart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. First-class In overy rospecL Steam heat, Electric Lights. GLADSTONE H.OtEt- i Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 119 South Main Street. Salt Lako Clt) Neatly furnished Rooms by tho Day, Week or Month, nntoi, 60 cents to $1.G0 per day. Special rates by tho day, waok or month. Wnilo In Salt I.ake got your leeth fixed at THE EASTERN PAINLE98 DENTAL COMPANY. ( First-class work, a full guarantee, and courteous treatment to alL NoU a few of our prlcos. ' - Full sot of teoth, 5.00. ." Solid gold crown, 221c, 25.00. Drldgo work for tooth, 24.00 Absolutely palnloss oxtractlon. Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12 Galena Block. Entrance. 9 FJ. Second South. jTo our Flno 8olectlon of t PIANOS. 5 JWo havo ndded tho Chase &. Daker Piano Player, Victor Talking J Machines, with a choice selec- 5 tlon of the Lates and Dcst Rolls and Records.! x Beesley MusicICo. 5 tTlio Popular Music Houso, 4G Bo.;5 Main St., Salt liko City. ;5 K'yyMyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. K Bell Tel. 7GG, Ind. Tel. 765. 1 DR. ALVAH LEWI8. H 8ALT LAKE PRI VATr """"; ssB isssssssssiaai H Special Attention given 8URGICAL and ODSTETRICAL CASES. H THE ONLY STRICTLY PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. H No. 353 E. 1st South. H Salt Lake Oty. H TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. H Wholesale and Retail I LUMBER I . .. DEALERS H GornerSbuth'TerhpIearid 2destSt.'1 H, SALT LAKE CITY - - UTAH , w mm i m w. ellliltittisWil , - wHki-07 ; KMiiiiisB1iBiiVer vnrHHrvDiiir f il Tim r r CTaTi If K lilllH m Ivlri II I k II I 1 1 I n t n 1III1IIII t iiu'innP-MMim I rv0WB-HBHH I M ' LMT73 iMMk rP i vl Mil iit i iik v -i r 1 1 ( j 1 1 h i v hi - felLtJU BHHH I I iiiiiiiiHP''lPP''"'il I I FIVE TRAINS I The Rock Island System now offers a S a,' ' choice of five dally trains from Colo- jj rado to Eastern paints. THREE of J '!' them are for Omaha and Chicago, and the other TWO for Kansas City and j . St. Louis.. The equipment Is new and .- , up-to-date and a dlnlnn car on every a; train.. All leave at convenient hours. J i J- "Let us figure on your trip." 5 ' ; A folder and full Information from JJ N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Olst Pass. Agent.X 2 800 17th 8treet Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt.,J ;- or 100 West Second South St., S ''44i"'i;;'4tiM THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE ROUTE I n r----w 3 FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN "), OGDEN AND nKN'VKl? J GIIOIOB OV KOUTES. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPFRS FROM OfJDEn OR SALT LAKB TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS . Free nocltnlna; Chair Oars. Dlnlna; Car vLnl la c?.? on aU ugh trains. For Folders, IHrate4 BookloU, eto., L A. BENTON, Q. A. P. B. 8ALT LAKE OITY, UTAH t u XX TO CALIFORNIA AND ITS FAMOUS WINTER RESORTS. ! 1 rTv t 4- LOS ANGELES. C2"I CATALINA. X OCEAN BEACHES. I'J p ORANGE GROVES. tt XX SAN PEDRO. Vo,r PASADENA. " DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. f-t- Palatlal Vcstlhuled Trains loavo Salt Lnlto City 8:30 p. m. dally. Ob-t sorvatlon, Drawing noom nnd Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist Bnd 1Plnlng Car. . ..,. " FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. """ "- i i "" Ask nearest agont for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or-- wrlto to J. L. Mooro, DIst. Pas. Agent, San Pedro. Los Angeles & Salt"' -f Lako n. n., Salt Lako City. ,, XX RBMHMDER, IN HCURINO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB Oregon Short Jjnb ' ' ' ' -a RAILROAD - D. C DVRLEY, H TUB DOtDCT CONNECTION TTTH TKB a'jc UNION PACIFIC .'! ,,' ,'- THE OVERLAND HODTB SPEED 0TT TICKH OFFICE 1 comfort 6AFETY 201 ST .;. f T TNION PACIFIC -TAc.TT. Unexcelled I rogressivb Vr-"- ' " (TIM OVERLAND ROUTE) 4 ytn i Name Your II :: Route East : I rTsyrs a tiChicagcMilwaukee&St.Paul Railway '4 You will do yoursolf n kinilnoss, socurintr tlio mnvi bio'Ilnrrv l-0f Cm-f0rt,nt Ul ninSSco ? Do, i J Wo dnily tram somco from Ogdon to Chicnco an 1 4 JS. g "g0' fitnmlurd' oS,l a Folders and coiiiilcto I 'formation frr.n a-.. ., . . 4 t( can ticket n - East v,a XtJTVtoVT rf 4- C. S- Williams, Commercial Acent " Salt Lake City. K ' J ..,444444t4----,4-:L 4L |