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Show - ---., , f r r -- - - p- 1 v IS"- Disguised as Cats, Thieves Made Hauls i Series of Remarkably Clever Tricks PUyed on Inhabitants of I'olUh VllUue-Old Circus Clown Lender of Band. Tho Inhabitants of n suburb of Po son, In Gorman Poland, havo recently boon tho victims of a peculiarly artful gang of burglars. For several months past their nightly rest has been disturbed dis-turbed by whnt thoy very naturally conceived to bo tho nocturnal cries of tho clty'a cats, Frequently, when tho cats wore at their loudest, a nolso would bo heard In tho house, Tho nolso was as a general rule attributed at-tributed to tho cats. It was noticed, howovor, that thU outbreak of cats coincided with a great activity on tho part of tho burgling fraternity. Police-superintendent Police-superintendent Stockcr, a mora than commonly wldo-awako official, determined deter-mined to probo tho growing crop of midnight robberies. With a half-a- K dozen of his man ho kept watch for sovoral nights. Ho saw that tho supposed sup-posed cots, besides making a horrjblo mlauwlng, wero qulto ndopt at forcing locks and windows. On tho third night ho and his men each bagged a "cat" and when their furry prisoners wero safoly landed It wns discovered that each animal was an ablo-bodlcd burglar burg-lar drosBed In n "make-up" that con-cealod con-cealod all tracos of his human origin. Habermayer, a broken-down acrobo: and circus clown, who had formed tl's band of human cats, wbh among tho captured. Ho confessed that ho nad taught his men their parts, and w'icn charged, ho gavo vent to tho most lifelike life-like Bcrlcs of caterwaullngs, bendes crowing llko a cock and nelghlnp Ilka a horse Tho good citizens of t'oscn now sleep peacefully again, for tlaber-mayor tlaber-mayor and his gang of two-legpid cats havo been sentenced to several years' Imprisonment. |