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Show THE MERCUR MINER. Pulllchetl Eery Wednesday t Mercur, Tootle County, Utah. SUBSCRIPTIONS: ' i )fie ar, 75c. 5I. months, '10 cents. s- ' i hreu Month, US cents. ' " '.'.V Thc'to rates bold Kiod until Jan. 1, ', 1000, ami do not apply to back ac- , 1 courts. Advertlidr.s rate on application to .. e r local or Suit Lal.e olllce. Salt Lnl.Q Office S57 Commercial ( lull Hid. nnrt 1'ontnlPee Uo 17. iasT T. Jaksman ". Monager . This paper Is kept on flra by THE AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRES8, Chamber of Commerce Building, Denver, Den-ver, Colo., where our readera will be welcome, to the use. of. the. leading papers from the various minion sec-'-tiona of the weit, a scientific library :nd mineral exhibit. READ THIS. All new subscribers paying 75 ceritfi for ono year, or 40 cents for six ti;0ntbtj, tho American Farmer will bo sent free for one jear. This offer fcolda tjood until January 1; 19PC. TUB PUBLISHERS. |