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Show wns. emma Fr,EissNErt (Suffered Over Two Years Health Wat In a Precarious Condition Caused By Pelvic Catarrh. HEALTH AND STRENGTH RESTORED BY PE-RU-NA. Mrs. Kminu ITelssner, 1113 Sixth Ave, Seattle, Wash , orthy Treasurer Kon iif Temperance, writes: " suffered oyer two years with Ir regular ai.d painful periods. My health was In a very precarious condition and I was anxious to fin J something to re-store re-store my health and strength. "1 wiih very glad to try IVruna nnd delighted to Had that It was iloliiff mo (rood. I continued to uso It u little fiver three inoiiths anil found my troubles removed. " consider It a splendid medicine and shall never be without It, taking a dose occasionally when I feel run-down and tired." Our Hies contain thousands of testimonials testi-monials which Dr. llartmau has received re-ceived from grateful, happy women who have been restored to health by his remedy, IV run a. troubled with tils peculiar to "'tZzXSy'' their sex, used as a douche- ii marvcloutly suc-cenlui. suc-cenlui. Tborou jnly cleaaies, kills dfsca.e term,, stops dltcharcet, heals lnflaramatlc-a and local soreness. 1'utlne Is In powder form to be dissolved In pur water, and Is far more cleansing, dealing, ecrroiudil sod economical tlaa liquid antueptics for all .T01U3T AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL U6ES Vox uto at dru jtgUti, DO cents a bos. . Trial Box and Uook of Instructions Pre. "tut It. Paxton Company Oosion, Mat. uiah ecoomc-rtrc co'j-r COTTON 'tit jf tv-'-A. Thi.letnsMattrra. jouread ataut. Made In Are IIBerenl gradei I'rlcce from um la ll U). A.k tour furniture dealer for It. If genuine, our Trad Mark I. opine tag. Utph Bedding & Manufacturing Go. BaiT La O'TV, UTAH . ST. MARK'S HOSPITAL T " -n ' SALT LAKE CITY Q. O. HUNTINQ, Suporlntondent When Answering Advertlsementi Kindly Mention Thl Paper. TEA Can a very bad person like tea very much, do you think? TEA Best tea port: San Francisco; Fran-cisco; nearest; least exposure. expos-ure. Tea is sensitive. Your grocer rrturni your money If you don i Hie Kcnllllng'i Ilrre. TEA We make four different types: Schilling's Best. Your grocer returns your money If you don't Ilk It. M AMTrwnSPIlIc .Tri? inLl- 'i fl S GUARANTEED TO CUHE AfflfflR HNF $i GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. "miSJAHKEB AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY"! SS:: -NEVER FAILS- Ml SStSlSSK Nalden-Judson Drug Co,, General Agents. Sail Lake City. Utah, i STRENGTHEN THE STOMACH 3r. Williams' Pink Pills Realty Cure-Indlnostlon Cure-Indlnostlon Instead of Moroly - Rollovlng Symptoms. Thero are plenty cf leiucdlcs by which ou can relieve for the tliuo heartburn, pain anil gnu on tho stomach nnd euu (mother net v his M-iisntums nnd Ituluco .irtllleial bleep. Ymi enu humor your stomach by giving it predlgektiHl fe-.s. Hut when you take jour next meal all 70ttr trouble Iwgiiih ufn-.li. Thero is uiitj one seu-dlile thing to do, Stiengtlien the Mouim-h unit do mvny with the iivf'eiwity fur driurs nml artificial arti-ficial foods. The best n-mi'ily ever found fur thiii piirixiMi ih the one tluir was umsI by H K ttiniug, or Uupleville, Shelby county, Teiin. "For years," ho Mnto-s " I suffered greatly fiom liidigehtuni. 1 tiled ninny (lllTereii. leineiliin nnd some of them would relieve me for it time, but tho trouble nlunyn cuiiiu buck. A Unit hix months ngo 1 liml an unusually severe attack, and while I died (Hciythlng I had ever heal d of, 1 found that none of thn ordinary leiuedies would reach tho dillleulty Oil- time "One ilnj 1 rend ill a Memphis mpcr how Dr Williams' l'lnl; 1'ilU liml cured u Michigan wiinuin.. i Mill erer from chronic. dyH!pslii of ii most Mublmru tyiHi. I then tried the untie remedy nnd it proved Just ns Miecohftf til in inj' ense. I tool; only tin cc Imxcs, nnd win euiisl. I have not lutil tin slightest symptoms of indigestion Mint ' The tniiif tt (ittiiput litis n wmiiil piin-clplu piin-clplu as its btlsiN, and Hhiilidnut MH'cess in nutunl use. Mulliunli-Nuf euscHtliat hud defied all other leiueiliehlmve been cured by l)r. Williams' 1'irk Pills The pllH actually make new IiI.mmIiiih! MtiKent tho root of all dini-n.se-, eiitiH-il bj Imd blood. They contain n liiumftil stlmulnntN or opiates. Kvery dspiptiu should lend, ' What to Km mid How to litt " Wiitu th Dr Williams Medicine Co., ScUvUoo tady, N Y.. for a free copy. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOTtH, a la's and ruro remedy for Infants aud children, and sco that 11 Slenaturo'of CflaJ&ZZu In UiO Tor Over 30 Years. Tbe Kind Yon ti-n ly( nought. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, a. r&ercurr wilt surety de.truy lbs .enia of smell and coroolatelf derauire too wnuio .jr. Iota when entering It through tho mucous lurlacoa. Such articles should nevor 1, u.ed esceit on pre.crlp Uons from reputable pby.tclan., aa tbedtniairo they win dole ten told u tbo euod you can puiibly do-rive do-rive from thsni. Hall's f 'aurrb (. ure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney AC,,.. Tuiedo, O , contain, nu rntr cury, and Is taken luternaily, atttatr directly upon Ins blood and mucous aurfacea of tho ay.t m, la boylng Hails Catarrh Cura bo sure you set the genuine. It U tAken Intnruaily and mads in loledo. Ohio, by V. J Cheney A Co. TraUmoutals tree. Hld by Ilrusvlile, Price, ?3c per IniUIo. Taks flail's Vsmlly Tills for conitlpallon. TEA Moneyback buys your confidence; con-fidence; you can't help it. You can't help it. Tour irrocer return, your money If yon don't like Sckllllaa-'. !"t- This Is not so bad for n new rnll-road. rnll-road. This weolc tbo Salt Iike Hon to liaul8 thrco "shows" between Halt Lake and Ixjs Angeles, nnd runs threo pedals for V. C. T. U. members going go-ing to tho convontlon In lx Angolas. uhi: tiii: r.vMoni Ited Cros Hull nine Itrite i or tmekuire 9 cents. Tbo Kuaa fVimnunr South liend, lad. Mrs. VTInsIuw's Hontblni; fyrnp. For children teelhlntf. aoft. ttM irutaa, reiluf es Inflammation, In-flammation, sllay.patn, euro. wLudoullu. 'JScatMtUe, TEA Why do we advertise? To tell you what's good for you. i Why don't we tell then? Don't we? 1 'our BToeer return, your money If you da't like c .mini'. D.rt. PUIsbury's Vltos I H Is the host nnd most ceo- I H nomlcnl brcnklnst loot! you H can buy. 1 Actually The Mcnt of the Wheat. M II la hll H It. color prove. Ila puillr H Its maker euarant.va ll. quatltr H JPillsbury hrw W "2? honest fgi! Pof H .pound )ffr-?t 1'ackace M In every IYlile'iM H packsge YE&39 sHI Ask your uroccr H HACK OF TUB ATKINS SAW M$l M Two rtnturlt f pitiirnt m Toir 0oiit'itnt.iHii ptTort in ,ri)ure tl.o r H spt "si in llm w rM BPV Tnithcrni toiii (tlilol nnd lirftlni. Hfllfl 'tlii Utv it l nt In Ilia wi rttl ncIuiWfljr liH ilfto.ml in w iiitiUltiir, rmtitovuitf many tlH tnui.lrli of Illicit UftB. higli ,irWiil rmf tirof n IH iit) quipMi. wt'li olly ft,MclHl niHolilnnry. WM A wiirlif lii bU9lnnt iftfni;ailti) many M million nfOnliim ff ry )i-ftr. H A tvpiitutlnii iillt up llifoiigh two ritliirll 1 nf kteiidy ttrnniti. Tnlunl lnoro hi, 'lily tlun H RnvotlirrntM'Luf tln urcttt Inttttiiiloii H Thf) ifiiariHity i ( tlili Coiupaay, which It H rvniwotnl I lie unrltl ntrr. H e iitake nil t)iM nn4 ilirt vt tawi, but H only on. (rr(l tlQ lt. H AUlm Sawi, Votu KnlTf I. TVrfrrtlon Floor jl Ruimtb. vie , r M hy all ItarUwar IH Ufklvr. CklulOfiuoon ff't. H C. C. ATHINS OX CO., Ino. H Lif(Mi $w Maniifirtutri In tt WerU. H HHASrilRH Nr-w Yur, ('Itiitfo, MiniiMpotU, H 1'ntlUtfl, (Ontrnni, h!!.1 H,u ftYanrUoo, H 1, M.inlil. AilNiiMftiHlTuroiiK.. itUn !). H Arcrpt no SuUttfui1 Inml on U Atlim DfanJ H rrTTint'nD DLMXRS 1UIW1I37T I IsJOtoiyvwvi vVaVVAJVrfWAsflsMWMMl i H Beautify Your c H Walls and Ceilings ! H A Rock Cement 2, tints. Docs not rub or scale. Destroys tils- B rato ccrins cud Tormlu. Ko waahlng ot H walls after onco applied. Any one cava brush It on mix with colli water. Other H finishes, b urlng fanciful names and mixed with cither Iiot or cold water, do not H linvo tlm cemeiilliii; property ot H Alabostlno. They arestuckonwlthsluo, H or other animal matter, wlilolt rota, j fccdlnjr tlUenNo gernm, rubbing, H wnlliiK utitl Npnllliiic tvallH, cloth- H ing,cto. fiuch Finishes must bo waabod H off etery year expcnslre, filthy work. Day H AlaliiiKtiiMtoiily In flto iiouml paok H "gc, properly Inlieleil, lint card, H tiretty wall and celling design, " Hints on M Dcenrutlng" and our artists' eerrlcea In H making color plans, five. H ALADASTINE CO H (lrsntl Kipldi, Mlch or 105 Water SI, N. Y H The World's Standard I M DE LAVAL (. GREAtti lMm m SEPARATORSdL: 000,000 In Uso. 'fey'MlrM ssl Ml Ollcn 0 Ttin.4. Htjiiif( TBflull Inllltl.l llM'it.r.- "vy '" "3" "Hjy KKH THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO, M CsiMl Hn4ptt bu T4 C4tltnn Pf. M CHICAGO ,1 hCW TON lH WATtR00F OILED (L0IHIRG! PiUCFimOMMtl 5UCKBS AND HX13.M H pi poLLowmcounsuccEJici H hi AT PHILADELPHIA CHICACO H Pi AND OTHER CXP03ITION4 H W WE WON THE M V HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD M H WATlHEiT.LOUlJWOPLD'SIAIR M Vror.. A J TOWIR CO ijASSC 01 iZT,? ve im.iia NJTiPHIlJVrV sTafafaB H0WAR0 E. BURTON, Miil H rnerlmrii rrt,r.l I, J fellter Lrail,.l (lold, Btt- H t ;y I, "hi nut 7.ln ,rt fper .1. 1'iaulJe toau. IH Mailing euTrliiprt and (ml prim II. I eenl tin applleay pBBJ llou f.,nir-l stij I niptre rk llrliea. Load fBBJ vlllo, Colo. Itcfsrcme larloateNailunalUaak. H Coney Island Souvenir Post Cards. H hu iMtttutlfulcoifrcJactne. fu, AV Ooneylalond H Postai Card Co., Coney Island, H. V. iS When Ancwerlng Advertisements H Kindly Mention This Paper. H W. N. U Bait Lake-No. 43. lOOB. BH 3 CDItt Willi lit lltl fallS,.. El IH L-J l!tn Cuuab Srrup, Tmuu tluuj. Vm f BBBBaBJ v In time, nul'llir drurirl.U. rH Breferaral |