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Show W, Tragedies in Life of "Poor Eugenic" - , Portents of i i Birth and Youth of Empreia Dorno Out by After Life Coitrngo One of Her Main Virtues. Tho story of the Empress Eugenlo's birth and youth forms an allegorical synopsis of hui whulo enrecr. She was born In a lovely garden, but In iho midst of a terrible earthquake. Still, tho drntimtlc charnctor of her advent had no 111 effects upon tho child, who grew to girlhood one of the hcalthleBt, most robust, and at tho samo time, one of tho lowliest creatures crea-tures upon whom tho sun shone. And then, before she was out of the schoolroom school-room sho was In love with a man who' pretended to lovo her, but who In reality was secretly paying court to hor sister. No sooner wob tho discovery discov-ery mado than they found tho future empress lying on her couch, apparently apparent-ly In a, death agony. Sho had taken poison. By llttlo less than a mlraclo her Ilfo was saved; and we all know tho story of her subsequent career-how career-how her peerless beauty fascinated tho emperor, and how, as his wife, sho became the greatest lady In Europe, Eu-rope, tho solo dlctatresa In fashion. K M i . ; tho'goddess at whoso shrlno all lovers ' of tho beautiful worshiped. Thnn the ' fatal war, and the horror of Sedan; " tho flowor of tho French army shatter- ; od and disgraced; and, worst agony i of all, her husband carried a prisoner to Germany, Into which ho had fondly hoped to lead a victorious army. Paris had cried aloud for war "A Berlin! a Berlin!" But now, when tho capital might beat havo served tho nation and the bravo woman at Its head, It turned upon tho empress. "Long llvo tho Republic! Down with tho Spaniard!" thoy yelled as they surfed round tho Tullerles. Thoy forgot for-got tho Prussians at their own doors whllo they thundered nt that of poor Eugcnlo'B asylum. Not for an Instant did sho loso courage. "You aro holding hold-ing my nrm," sho said to ono of the few ladles left In attendance upon her. 'Do you feel mo tremble" "Not In the least," was tho truthful answer. And tho bravo woman went forth alone from the rear of tho Tullerles, ranged tho streets of Parta with only thirty pence In her pocket, and whllo tho mob nround tho palaco sought her blood, could find nono fo humano as to afford her shelter. Tho World and Hl3 Wife. |