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Show A Technical Point. "Yon say your road carried a million passougerH last year?" "Yos, sir; nnd I can prove It," "You can!" "Yes. sir." "Woll, now, lot's get right down to facts. Can you make two passengers out of ono man?" "Of courso not." "No doubt In somo oasos you'vo carried car-ried tho snmo man fifteen or twenty timos." "Unnuostlonably," "Well, doos that niako flftcon or twonty pnssongers of hlmT" "No-o." J . "In vlow of that, can you say that you've carrlod'n million " J (Hut the railroad man rotlrod angrily. an-grily. Ho nover did havo any use to a technically exact man anyway. j i |