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Show Claims Cure for Appendicitis. Dr. I'ond of Liverpool, Kngland, lint advanced a now theory with deference o tho origin of appendicitis and othei HsturliHiices of the digest ho organs 'In calls attention to tho fact thai inch altmentH can often be attributed o ntitlmonlHl poisoning, and the toiirco of tho antimony taken up by linn Is snld to be the rubber lings Aiilch nre frequently used to closo nil Kirts ot bottle. Dr. Point has established the fact bat such rings consist of almost one bird their weight of antimony. The mtimony Is not only dissolved by the nlneral waters contalnlrg nlknils and jrgnnlc acids, but these rubber rings, is dally oberHtloti shows, soon become be-come brittle, mid some of tbo com pound falls Into the contents of the rewscls. Dr. I'ond claims to have found thnt i frequently repented Introduction of mtimony can bcromo tho source of n tories of disturbances of the nutritive ind digestive sjstom, especially through continued wenkcnlng of the muscles of tlio stomach ii'id Intcstlnos |