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Show Nuptial Tangle Hard to Figure Out Three Brothers Marry Sisters, Dnutlhters of Fnther's Wife Complication, Although Un-ustinl. Un-ustinl. Is Entirely Legal. Ono of the most remarkablo marriage mar-riage tangles ever known was presented present-ed to tho authorities In prohato court Saturday, when Edward and Fred Mctzgor, twins, made application to marry sisters, says tho Cleveland Plain Dealer. This In Itself was Btrango enough, but when tho clork was preparing tho papers It was learned that an elder brother of the twins had married a sister of the two prospective brides of tho twins A look nt the entry journal showed that In May, 1004, Albert Mctzgor, Mctz-gor, a brother, had married Ida Miller, tho third Bister. Whllo tho people In tho court were hntlng a good laugh at this Edward spoko up and said: "Let me tell you somothlng that will Bet you thinking deeper our fathor Is tho husband of tho girls' mother." This Is the story: Lewis C. Mctzgor married Mrs. Christina Miller. Mctzgor Mctz-gor had, as stated, thrco sons, two of them twins. Mrs. Miller had thrco n, daughters. Now tho daughters become be-come tho brides of tho sons. In other words. Metzgcr ts tho fathcr-ln-law of his stepdaughters, and Mrs. Metzgcr Is tho mother-in-law of her stepsons. And still tho wonder 'ocs not cease. Mrs. Metzger was married four times. Her Fccoml marrlago wns to tho brother broth-er of her present lnmliand, tfut by that union she had no children. Hero aro some of the puzzles to work out: If jour two brothers married sisters of jour wlfo what relation would your children ho to your brothers' children, or what would they bo If you and your brothers' father took for his second wlfo tho mother of tho girls who aro now tho wives of the tlireo sons? And stjll further, what would they bo If tho woman your father married was tho mother of j'our wlfo anil ono of your brothers' wives wns tho widow of your unclo? Tho boys havo slopped figuring on tho puzzle, saying that If they havo children the relationships will bo so mixed na to bafflo deciphering. In eplto of It nil the complication Is entirely en-tirely legal, because tlicro Is no blood relationship between tho contracting parties. |