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Show "THE MORMONS AND THE DRAMA." The lateft vontrlbutlon to the literature litera-ture of the statu I a booklet of nearly 200 pases healing the above title, tho author being Hie wull-lcnown and fa-vorito fa-vorito nctor, .loin S. Lindsay. Havlm been "tlirough the mill" ho Is well qualified to discuss the subject, although al-though Ids experiences began quite d decado rafter Hie t'ommciiconipn or thltmf thigitrilarrn LtHh.he has used duo'dill. m an! li.ttiilKent research In Bottliu, io, itlii-r tbo materials ante, ccdeni l.i h. own time, nil tho remainder re-mainder bclnj,, of coiirso, larsely n recital re-cital ot his pergonal experiences, which have befn nmiile mid varied. Tlie detalN, showIiiK tho lilrtli, growth 'and present status of tho drama hereabout, aro itlvtn In a freehanded, free-handed, cntcrlalnlui; manner, quilo free from proslneus or stalenoss, am! aro In the main closo to tho facts. Some few unimportant depirtuiTh from tho record, It being such a voluminous vol-uminous ono, aro Inevitable; the preatcst of those, which li slinrod by somi) others and doesn't amount to tbnrh anyway, relates, to the dodlra-tocy dodlra-tocy ' .otxiilnft of tlioi Suit LaLc Tlieaue, the ONereUpa beins. an-noiinced an-noiinced to havo concludo.l with tlm slnnlni; of an anthem. The writer of theso lines was present on that Inter-ostliiK Inter-ostliiK occasion, and. although not more than half as big an nov, , remem-liera remem-liera tiiu whole pcrformancA as clcnrlv as thoiigli It wcro yoaterday. The dedicatory sorvlccs did not occupy over an hour' time, and o make tlie entortalumont full-orb the piece which on the followhiK mar'.tod tl. regular opening, "Tho I'rldu of ihe .Market," was given, making It altogether alto-gether n mobt memorablo evening. How over, as stntcd, this Is not coiue-quontirl, coiue-quontirl, espwilully when thu generally gener-ally accurate and unquestionably In-te In-te rout I iik story as a wholu Is consider consid-er od. ,i The book ought to find a'.placo In oim-y library, espenlly ''Jjen the prlcu only M reu'.-'Is rousldored. Thu book U on salu'In r.U th Hall Luke Hook Stores. Mr. Lindsay hi.t donn a great work, y |