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Show NOT ADAPTED FOR THE PART. Richard Carle's "Find" Turned Out of Little Value. Shortly beforo "Tho Mold and tho Mummy" company opened Its Ecason, Hlchnrd Carlo was looking for an actor ac-tor to "play tho part of a wild man with tho musical comedy. Ho wanted a big, blustering fellow with n bad man's face and the voice of a steam calliope. After examining several applicants for tho part Mr. Carlo Anally selected t man who filled nil tho requirements lave that of voice. Orlando Wilson was tho giant's name, but llko many olg fellows bo wits modest and retlr-Jig retlr-Jig In manner nnd speech. In fact, its voice wns only u fow notes relieved re-lieved from an Infant's treble. "Why don't you shout?" exclaimed Mr. Carlo, after listening to a 2x4 oico exuding from n man who stood 1 feet B Inches In his stockings. "Yell! 3Ivo your lungs n chancel Imltato tipsy cowboy llko this!" To Illustrate, Illus-trate, Mr. Carlo cut looso with a cow boy yell, "Ylil-1-lp!" "Go homo and practlco that," ho snld to tho big chap, "and como back to rehearsal to-morrow prepared to make a noise." Next morning, when the glnnt put In his appearance, Mr. Carlo said, "Well, are you all right?" "Yes," he replied, "almost perfect; but I'm going to glvo up my part." "Why?" "I llvo in a flat." "What has that to do with It?" "Everything. I started to rohcarso that cowboy yell last night, nnd tho neighbors thought I was murdering my mother. 1 nearly got lynched." "Why don't you movo?" "Well, my parents havo always supplied sup-plied mo with good board and lodging and If I move they might get out of tho habit. 1 don't believe I'm cut out for that part. You'd better engage some other kind of n person." "I will," said Mr. Carlo; "I'll cngago a man." |