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Show Were "Dandy-Llons," I Ho had been In tho Dark Continent I for two or threo years, nnd when homo on a visit ho delighted to spin his "toll" yarns nbout his oxpcrlcncos In Africa. Tho minting of wild lions wns his specialty how ho could shoot thorn, how ho could go out and bo sure ot finding ono, how It was dono, etc., etc., nnd ho generally wound up by saying that ho never yot saw a lion that he feared. Ono night after ho had finished yarning ho was n llttlo takon aback by ono ot his audience, who said: "That's nothing. I havo lain down and actually slopt among lions In tholr wlld, natural Btate" "I don't bcllevo that I'm no fool!" said tho great hunter. "It'B tho truth, Uiough." "You slept among lions In their wild, natural state?" "Yes, I certainly did." "Can you provo It. Wero they African?" Af-rican?" "Well, not exactly African lions. They wero dandelions." |