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Show "Still Sweeter Sings My Darling." Tho hell-bird nils Australian shades With soncs lllto bubbling fountains; TImi rnl-itnrt thrills tho river Blades Ucncatli Virginian mountains. Tho oriole, (hat soul afire, I'nurH forth a storm of slnRlng - To tho rapt mnto of tils iloHlrc. In soft gray hummock swinging. Hy nlKlit, by dny, on topmoit spray, Or where the covert liusbm, 1'l.iys Nnture'a weirdest orchestra The mock bird, kliif of Umislicu. IJul nil tho words of all tho birds-Ay, birds-Ay, e'en tho soniss, mnKlclan All sweetest notr from singing throats, ratio, as at dawn a lsloii. Whon. b It onjch or lullnby. Or souks of linttlo rliiKliiK, Lnvn Lain or hmns ot liberty, I hear my daillng slntlnK. For song each bird hnth times preferred When winter winds nre Knurling Hneh tender tree tho chickadee OutslnKs tho housed starling. Hut whether blown the summer's rose, Or winter's winds be siinrtlng. tie spilng abloom, or fall In Kloom Still sweeter sinus m darlliiK. Henry Austin In Century. |