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Show Patient Set Life Against Square Meal Demands of Ills Stomach Too Great to Be Resisted UltJ mate Recovery Almost More Than lie Deserved. A man who has Just left a hopltal whore ho was confined for several weeks with typhoid fever tells this story of two otfier typhoid patlnnts In tho public ward of tho samo Institution! Insti-tution! Tho two men occupied adjoining beds. Ono was convalescent, whllo tho other was still battling with tho fever. Naturally, tho physicians kept all food nway from tho latter. Tho sick man, however, dovolopcd a troublesome trou-blesome nppetlto, 111 as ho was, and ho protested against not being fed. Ho said the Institution, In fact, was starving him. Tho convalescent patient, pa-tient, all tho time, was receiving light food. This mado tho man In tho adjoining ad-joining cot nil tho moro Inslstont that ho bo fed. Tho physicians, however, paid no attention to his complaints. Tho patient waited for his opportunity, opportun-ity, which finally camo. Ono day n strango woltor camo around with tho meals, It oo Imp- pencd that When ho went Into tho ward tho convalescent patient was asleep. Tho other man was wtdo awnko nnd ho beckoned tho waiter and told him to lay tho food Intended for tho convalescent con-valescent patient alongsldo his cot. Tho waiter, bellovlng tho food was Intended In-tended for hlra, dlil so, Tho sick man Immcdatcly dovoflred It. A few minutes min-utes later tho physician on duty entered en-tered tho ward. Ho noticed that something was wrong with tho sick man and upon Inquiry learned what had happened. "That man will bo dead In ten minutes, min-utes, unless wo get that food out of his stomach," ho sold to tho waiter. Tho physician summoned assistance, got n stomach pump and went to work on tho sick man. Tho patient's only comment when tho operation was all ovor was: "By Jove, It Is bad enough to bo starved, but when they dcllborntcly rob you of tho food In your stomach It Ib terrible." Ho ovcntuolly recovered, dcsplto his narrow escape, although ho bad a hard fight. |