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Show 1TH SllOi William D. Roberts Passes Away After, a Long" Illness. ' , Special to The Tribune. PROVO. March S. William Xj. Roberts died this morning at o'clock at his homo lb tho First ward In this. clly. Me passed away peacefully and apparently free from pain, after a gradual decline of several veai, brought on by a slight hemorrhage hemor-rhage of the brain, due to sunstroke. Owing lo his weakened condition. Iho relatives rela-tives for several days oxpecte'd thatJPho rould not survive., hut no ono was pro-pared pro-pared for his death tills morning. Ills death camo suddenly with only his son. Eugonc. in the chamber. Mrs. Roberts had Just, left tho bedside. Mr. Roberts was born at Wincheslcr, HI., September I. JS35. the son of Dr. Daniel Roberts and Andula Clark Roberts. W hen ten years of age he moved with the iamil tn Garden Grove. ;i., where they remained until IS III and then moved lo K'lncasler, Alo. hi isr.l the family came to I'lah and settled In Provo. The. next year Air. Roberts, with his brother Uollver. went to California, whore, thev encaged In mining and farming until I Sim. returning' to Provo that year. Mr. Roberts was a member 6r the posse .summoned by United States Marshal Thomas JohiiHon for the purpose of arresting ar-resting Chief Tintlc and his band of warriors. war-riors. Mo ajso was one of the relief partv which brought from Fori Bridger the last of Hie band carl immigrants. In 1S57 al Sweetwater Air. Roberts was captured by a band of Crow Indians and afterwards after-wards rcscuod by a company or Immigrants Immi-grants on its way to California. Later he took part in tho famous Echo canyon c.impnign. In 1S5S-0 ho was engaged in rreighling and carrying passengers between be-tween Salt Lake Clly and Los Angeles. At Austin. Nov.. he captured and turned over to the Nevada officers the murderer, mur-derer, John Wabb who had killed three men. and who was subsequently executed for the crime On February (i, 1SC2. Air. Roberts wa .married to Maria Lisle, at Lancaster. Mo.. and they took their wedding trip across the plains to Utah. Air. Roberts made several trips across the plains hefore the advent of the railroad, and was Intimate Inti-mate with most of the Indian tribes between be-tween the Missouri river and California. Tie did much In building up this western l territory. He Imported the first bees to I tab. the first California quail, the first stcom threshing machine and steam brick machine. Ho was Provo's first postmaster postmas-ter after Utah became a stale. Air. Roberts is survived bv a widow, three sons and two daughters. William J).. Jr.. and Eugene Roberts of Provo. Domont II. Roberta of Pocatello, Tda ; Mrs. Lillian Do Loerv of Rolse. Ida., and Alrj!. OrphH Walker oi" Salt Lake. Funeral services will be conducted from I he First ward chapel Sunday, commencing commenc-ing al 1 p. m. Tho remains can bo viewed al the residence. 1G0 Soulli First East from li to J2 Snndav. |