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Show KIWIS II ED OF i Qi Frank J. Hagenbarlh Returns With Interesting' Views of the Revolution.' ; Frank .7. llagenbarth of Idaho, formerly president of the National TVoolgrowers association and the National livestock association, has just returned from a trip lo lil Paso. Tex. Speaking of the situation situa-tion in Mexico yesterday. Mr. llagenbarth said: "It is graver Mian most people Imagine. Im-agine. The present revolution under Ma-dero. Ma-dero. like that under Diaz. Is but a series In a chain of revolutions I hat. promise to follow one after Ihe oilier. If the factions now In ihe held overthrow tho existing government there will bo immediately imme-diately a revolution against Mic aucceas-ful aucceas-ful faction. "There is no stability in tlie republic and a condition of anarchy exists. A. man like DUiz Is badly needed In Mexico. Mexi-co. The great, trouble with Mad'ero Is that lie promised more than he can perform. per-form. He 1b an altruisH and assentlnlly a socialist. "While well informed on general gen-eral educational subjects, ho is not a practical m&n. ' The proclamation of President Taft. calling on all Americans to leave Mexico, is, I consider, merely a preparation to intervention and I believe thai is the best thing that can be. done. U is only fair to tho Mexicans lo slate liiai mil lor a nana 01 -.mi renegaue Americans, lb'" chances any that the present iiii(ortmiato statu of affairs would never have romo about." Mr. llagenbarth is Inclined to think thai tho Pniled Slates government will Intervene within the no.xt thirty days. |