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Show ttoiisin Senator Proposes Anale the Pretensions ,J of Roosevelt as-a Pro- jM-DREW CARNEGIE ; TO SUPPORT TAFT Saior Dixon Sends Another Bullenge lo Manager Mc-Minley, Mc-Minley, Divided Delega-SB'lioii Delega-SB'lioii From New Mexico. jB"r,UISON wls- Jrarch S. Senator 'f' La Folletir, in a statement here lH lodai', broke silence on the presl- Hll iintlal candidacy of Colonel -B Koosevelt by Lhc declaration TDMft; n llf presence of great problems itslM al,niiS " call"'dales should Hfct to Folkttf . however, will subject LHfcitl RonfcveH s public record to close .-jEcn? I? indicated in the statement, fidt lUUment was culled forth by re-;JH re-;JH in jonic newspapers thai Colonel tuEitH hail urged La Folletio as "the tetfKj ni&n lo make the fight against nKKins is Senator Li Folio tte's B'F4n;irj M r New York dispatch th Washington Tost sa Id : I UB)Ppliilcirns who have been follow-JjjjKt follow-JjjjKt (Is national situation 5ay that La. - Mpttf wi" shortly make an attack t jjfc Co!on?l Roosevelt, showing that TUHjfrtKiilatlona were made to hiru by Jfcni. of the colonel to the effect .tliMM Follettc) was their Ideal t talKu la make the fight against prcsl- jjaBV.Ii not a mMier of great import -jBs lo the public why I became a jMeiidale. of Campaign. itBpt Issue in this campaign Is the TUfct cf Hie Individual, the farmer, , jjJBt wrfcrr, every man who pays the rffiBfoe lo free -himself by lawful LJBHH frnrn the unjust exactions of ,"nWfUJ"r. the railroads, the trusts. ih3K.-Bncy power controlling capital WfBiJtrllt, ami every form of ojipres-"Pf ojipres-"Pf special privilege. VTK ,hi Presence of three great prob-tiwB?' prob-tiwB?' wri'onnl attacks upon candl-. cmjMFG J'noulri have no place. Bnl to Wffilnc Uic illness of a candidate iutst'-rform ;- particular service the a W?,lt t0 r,,fIulro 11,0 iwiF'ia,t t0 ?,3,'- rnch P'oblcm and 6feHrhls 'Million of thai, nroblcm. OtftK. lW U,e f 1,1 tl,or "5ht Lo Wtr,hal "le cumlldalo has actually -- lovrard solving lhc problem. DflWf his cour?e 0r action' on the rtMB!nV SlVFK ar'KurH,lee r Profound jjjK.10" a'l Judgment mid whether It Dtit Quipped by patient Inves- T!B5 Wil?nM n""-'"! -vprrlonci. to IrWZirt, V lll?s Problems coustruc-JBe coustruc-JBe " ',l,blk" ""Infest. 5B'U4. mntf,orc b" necessary dnr- ' C, Wml ,bv 'hem lo 'on l r-i8BtS!bl,s an,Lot 1)0 J'siorted m?. mEU l 'A FOLUiTVK. |