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Show ANNUAL AND SPECIAL MEETING Of the Stockholders of the Castlo Gat Coal. Coke . Mlnlna Company. Notice 16 hereby given that pursuant to the articles of Incorporation of th above-named corporation, tho annual meeting of said corporation, as provided for by article 11. will be held on the second sec-ond Thursday In 'March. 1912, at tho company's offlco. 604 Judco building, corner Third South a.nd Main streets Salt Lake City. Utah, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of srUI day. for tho purpose of clectlnn: directors and offlcora of said corporation for tho ensuing year. Notice Is further jtfven that a npoclal meotlnc of said stockholders will be held Rt the same time and place, t'no objoct and purpoao of which Is to consider whether or not tho stockholders of aald corporation will voto for a dissolution of the same. (Signed) H. A. SMITH. Secretary Castlo Gate Coal. Coke & Mining Min-ing i Company- F. N. CAMERON. FRANK B. STEPHENS. BENNER X. SMITH. ROBERT B. PORTER. G. F. SUMMERS. Ownnrs of moro than two-thirds of tha outstanding capital stock of said corporation. cor-poration. xlB30 |