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Show Monte Attell Bets Brother Aloe Loses PITTSBURG. March S. Monte Attell, brother of Abe AllelL the former featherweight champion, believes flu; latter will be unable lo show his old-time form in his fight with lhiulcni ! Tommy Mnrphy. He let it bo known today that, despite his kinship kin-ship with the one-time champion, he has wagered a portion of his shekels IharAbc will lose. i;y international News Service. SAN FRANCISCO. March S. Whelhcr Abe At loll is to remain a dangerous factor fac-tor In the featherweight division will practically be decided tomorrow afternoon after-noon when he. meets Harlem Tommy Murphy In a twenty-round boxing contest con-test at Jim Coffiolli's Daly City arena. Attell, smarting under tho loss of his title lo Johnny Kilbane and stung by adverse criticism of fight fans becauso of his unsportsmanlike conduct after the ha tile, boasts lhat he is determined to fight as he never fought before. He rcalir.es that a defeat by the clever Harlem Har-lem boy even though be is conceding a little weight would detract considerably from his drawing powers and might result re-sult in Kilbane changing his mind about giving him a chance to win back his title. ' "I fully realize what this fight means to me," said Abe tonight, "and I a.m going go-ing to fight accordingly. I will show alt fight followers lhat a grave injustice was done me when Johnny Kilbane. was handed mv title, and I will make some prominent fight critics who have sent me to the bbnc.vard back up a bit. I am jusl as good, if not belter, than I evor was In my life, and when this little argument is over tomorrow you will have something besides my own opinion to pro.vc it." Murphy, who has trained harder for the fight than for any engagement ho haj: had on this coast, is confident he will be able lo take care of Abe without much trouble. He even expresses the opinion that the fight may terminate before be-fore the scheduled twenty rounds a.rc over. ' l "I gave Altcll a very fair argument when we met before," declared Tommy tonight. "The fight was over a lon-round lon-round course and at that time I was not the boxer I am now. F.ven so. I beliove I would have won had the fight been over a longer route. Tomorrow wc meet at twenty "rounds. I haw learned a lot about the game since my former meeting with Attell and take It from me, the verdict ver-dict will he reversed this time." Murphy money seems plentiful and ibis mav reduce tile odds some, unless Attell money shows up at the last minute. min-ute. The opening preliminary will bring together Tommy McCarthy and "K. O." Cam pi in a six -round bout at ir.-S pounds. The second preliminary is a ten-round bout, with Manuel Vlerra and 1.ce Johnson. John-son. V12 pounders, as opponents. The main ovcnl will begin at " o'clock. California time, wllh Jack Welsh as referee. |