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Show I I Tells of Fathor's Death. S Special to The. Tribune. ; OGDEN', March S. In a cabl..ram ro- M eelved by friends In tin's Htv last cvcii- m iri, the Uev. .John Ryan, assistant to W Kalhcr P. 3L Cushnaliau of St. Josephs j.ntholK! church, announced the death of X his father In Tlppcrary, Ireland. Tho K ov- M'- Hyan left Tor Ireland about m tliree weeks at;o In respoiiHrj to a mcs- W 'V'uouncin the serious illness of S r u,?rxrLyu" rin1 u"'-? "l bedside i 1 or his father when death came Wcdues- l day. The asslsta'dt pastor Is expect ed to jg arrive home within the next two weeks. |