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Show WILL INVESTIGATE . THE WABASH WRECK By International News Service. DANVILLE, 111.. March S. The Interstate- coinuicrcii commission will begin an investigation of the Wabash wreck at West Lebanon, Ind.. yesterday and will go into the steel plants and endeavor lo discover if defective rails are being sold the railroads. This much was admitted tonight when three investigators for tin interstate commerce commission returned to Danville from tho scene of Ihe wreck, Ed Jones, ono of the Investigators, made the statement that the rail was broken in night places and while 1 10 did not make tho direct statement, lie intimated one or tho brakes was old. According to the investigator, the Interstate commerce com-merce commission will make a thorough Investigation of the rails turned out by the ateel companies and will make this o.Namiiiatiou In the steel plants themselves. them-selves. A statement was made by a Wabash official that Hie rail that caused the wreck was laid In l8flr. and was eighty pounds in weight. S. K.Cotler of St. Lout, general superintendent su-perintendent of l In: Wabash, has charge of Ihe Investigation for the railroad. Ghoulx got busy lasl night afler Urn wreck and are salil to have robbed both tho dead and injured,- |