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Show PUG TEASES BULLDOG TO PUT "IRON" IN JAW BijH. M. Walker By International News Service. LOS ANGELKS. March S. lack White Is "pickling" his strong right arm and carefully poulticing the knuckles of his good right fist. Three sparring partners already have quit their jobs at the Vernon Ver-non training camp, intimating that they would rather go lo work than to stand up and receive White's wallops. Down at the Venice quarters. Joe Rivers Riv-ers is "bracing" his Jaw by means of a simple little childlike exercise, consisting of placing a leather strap l)ctwecn his teeth, teasing a frisky bulldog to chew at the other end and then swinging I lie canine through the air for several minutes min-utes at. a time. The situation speaks for Itself. White i is heing groomed to settle the hostilities of March 1G before the Pacific Athletic club by dropping a knockout punch against the Mexican's alleged "gingham" Jaw. Rivers is expecting to change the "combination" to hi: chin. From the first hour since the Rivers-White Rivers-White match was made. Manager Fred Gilmorc has insisted thai the battle would novor go the limit and has used While's terrific hitting ability and Rlv-ers's Rlv-ers's alleged weak Jaw as the levers for his arguments. Meanwhile the boys ate grinding away at their camps and the public is beginning begin-ning to show sharp Interest in the work of the marvelous Mexican and his next opponent. Indications arc that Rivers will be quoted a 10 to S favorite In the opening betting. |