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Show Backache Almost Unhoarahle is an almost .certain result of kidney f rouble, J). Toomey, S03 T Olive St., Blooming! on. JM-, EJye: "I suffered with backache anil pains in my kiduoys which wero almost unbearable. I gave Foley' Kidney Pill a j?n0d trial, and they done wonders for mo. Today I t!un do a hard day's work and not foci (he efl'ccts." Schrannn-Johnson, DniRs, the Ncver-Subutitutore, flvo good stores. Van Camp Pork and .Hoans, now 10e oc, 20c. I PHONES: IntkOTdcnt 227. f Main Floor Pall all Departments, BoU EXCTZAIfOE 22. y Ma,n FIoo& 1 ; Today In Our Main Floor Ready -to-Wear Section in the Annex I j New Arrivals Are Added to Our j 11 ! Superb Spring Showing of H We have arranged for frequent shipments throughout fjP ' if 1 the entire season. Something NEW and DIFFERENT, 'I M j to see at WALKERS every time you come. Today ( m. H j we will give irrst display to another newly arrived collection of NAillilMu 1 Ii Spring Suits splendid examples 'of sirperior value giving at HSffik. 19 ; $25.00. Fa ul tlcssiV tailored of whipcords 'in navy, tans, gras, Pl J ' ffi two-tone effects and black also Serges in cream, navy, tan, jgm' mn ' li gray and black in addition to many fetching new models in ijl";! ! 1 i mannish weaves. All are suits far above the average at $25. xjltspl B SEE THEM TODAY WELCOME. ... . a jM I I" Main Floor Annex. vy B Attention Is Especially Directed to Our Extensive Spring 1 1 i 1 ' 1 j Assortments of Suits, Coats and Dresses, as Follows: p! W i I New Dresses New COATS New SUITS ' j 1 Jieh, exclusive models Especially striking and en- , isiiltlll lu I 8W I adapter! lor street, even- lirely "different" models, A grand exhibit oL authen- Willi j j jnrr and afternoon tunc- fa all the fashion favored tic spring- styles nn un- fifflll Mil I 8 j i lions materials usually extensive variety .. u1bIu Hj $ $25 to $50 $20 to $40 $27.50 to$65 ltI : v. Main Floor Annex. Main Floor Annex. Main Floor Annex SiFf '''vtJfrJy y W 9 j ! W ALKER' S T H 1 HP tiUUTH AT MAIN. W I j Today Women's Black Clearing of Women's J 1 1 LACE HOSE KID GLOVES l $1.00 Values, rffa4 51 and S1'25 ValmkffiS;Q ! l l I The last of a big special Iwr-JJjIflS To make more room for f iJ 1 jjffl 1 i-hnsc about 20 pairs, in spring stocks wo must tl is- g j. 1 all sixes, to becriu lhc sale this morn- Pose oj: (llcsc broken assortments at once. g j iug. There are Si lie Lisle and Lace Lisle in Some 20 dozen pairs, in all sizes except j; I various open work effects all are black. A 6JA and two-cbsp styles in white, "S j I roiisinir clearance today at 50c pair. Wa:k avy and inns. Formerly $1.00 and J j $1.25. Today a I. 79u pair. j jj j Infants' Regular 25c Hose; 15 dozen pairs, Women'B $4.00 Long Kid Gloves; sizes &, I i T": 2pZs2Sc $t,g9 j An odd lot of Infants' Cashmere Stockings 16-bulton length kid gloves in black, white ll in tan. blue and pmk-about 180 pairs. Jeg- and .m Chi M u!nr 25c values. For clearance today at anee price today, $3.89 pair. " M j v 2 pairs for 25c. Man rrnv.y Main Floor. I WAI.ivKK'ii-THIRD SOUTH AT ilAlK. fl HM ratg.i iw ui.ji.jiKwi.iiji.wit nn n iii mil i in" 'l i'-3---"" - -i-y . BiB . - : Munv- Ills come from Impure blood. Can't imve pun- blood with faulty dige--lion. lar.v l'ver and sluggish bowels. IJur-dooU IJur-dooU Hlboii Miller strengthon. stoniuch, bov.eJs and liver, and purities the blood. Itching, torturing skin eruptions. di-ligure, di-ligure, annov. drive one wild. Doan's Ointment brings milck relb.r and lasting cures. Kiftv centu at any drug store. After a heavy meal, take u couple of Uoan's Rcgulets, and give your stomach, liver and bowels tho help they will need, rjuguleta bring easy, re.vulnr passages of the bowels. Kverybody'8 friend Dr. Thomas" ICclcc-;lc ICclcc-;lc OH. Cures toothache, earache, sore i th nat Ueal.T cuts, bruises, ccalcs. J;topa i any nain. j Iiistutilly relieved by a hut bnfh irith ('iiticura Soap and a single application of'Cuticura Ointment. Sold everywhere. Sample of each, wilh 132-pngc book, sent free. Address Ad-dress "CuticiuV Dept. 2E, ISoston. Salt Lake's Newest Theater Beautiful SULL1VAN-CONSIDINE 2 Greater Advanced Vaudeville M 1 ARTURO BERNARDI FIRST Lew Hawkins G time Ma,i,c'7i Tri),l,pe S -rnnAV Burt vn Klein- H 1 ODtVY Grace Gibaon H 2:50 Three Dlxons y ,e Orlolnal Bandy H and 9:15 pau Stephens S - ' Photoplay g Rsoular 10c I Matinee Oally - A B Empress 20o fljfj H Prices 30c I Parotid Seats W I DENVER 1 110 CHIDE SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD 3 FBI 0A1LY THUS EACH WAY BETWEEN SALT LAKE AND DENVER Throuoh Sleepers to Chicago and St, Louis. City Ticket Office. 301 Main St. WHEN YOU NEED A SPEClALIQT t Consult a good one. lilood poison cured lu a few days by the new Kuropean method. cull or write' for coniploto Information. Science htu; provided an equally rapid and cUCL'ersfu! treatment for all forms of Vital Wcaknca:. Varicoao Veins, Rupture, Rup-ture, Bludder und Kidney diseases. If you need my liolp dor.'t hesltato. Call 1 at once or write. My offices are open all day from 0 ?.. in. to 0 p. in.; evenings. 7 to S; , Sundays from 10 to 12. I STATE MEDICAL CO. Rooms 1-12, 119 So. Main, 50TH ANNIVERSARY. H MAT. TODAY, 2;15; TONIGHT AT 3. H MONDAY NIGHT LAST PER- H FORM ANCE. WM SALT LAKE OPERA COMPANY RH Chorus of -10. Splendid Orchestra. HI Atldresa by Cleo. 31. Ottinger tonight. iVfl Pietuies of Pioneer Acturs. Price.0 25c to 51.30. Mat. 25c to HI 51.00. Children 2V at nintlnce. WJ C;t Lake's Leading, Vatidevlllo Hausv. HB This Vcek THEATER SH Tho Real Thing TEXAS TOMMY. HI Wllfrod Clarl: ,vi Co- Hj Hawthorne & Burt. The Four Famous Vanls. WW Van IJoven. z Dooleys. Ml IJtifford &: Chain. Matinee Daily pa H 700 Scsta JM HI Every Evening ms&QMQ B I A Qaod'Soat B ' u Days, Starting Sunday, March 10. MM i Special Pop. Mat, Wad. WtSi I AlDoriE Opera Co. j The Selaemlaii " m $jklL$MMj Remembor Mo." 100 Company. Great Caat ( j&fm Prices JCIght, 23c to ?2 (for boxca). ' MH Mat . Wet! . 23c to $1.00. Wm SEAT SALE NOW ON. y HUM Bfcl Thurston Hall, Ida Adair and tho III III Bs3 Garrlck Players In , jj j?f m THE wolf m By Eugene Walter. B)K HW MATINEE SATURDAY, Next Week. "The Dollar Mark." IkMIh |