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Show BUTTE PREMATURELY MPS LEAGUE DATES Montana, Which Had Lasl Schedule Meeting', Wants This One Also. Special lo The Tribune. 13UTTK. .Mont., March $. The management man-agement of the Bui to club of Hie Union league and the fans arc apprehensive thai the tentative schedule proposed by President W. II. Lucas will cause a conflict con-flict with the races, which open here August I. Fans arc confident that baseball base-ball cannot compete with the races. Bullc fans will also protest against the holding of the schedule meeting in Og-rieri. Og-rieri. as the claim Is made that wllh four Montana teams in the league the meeting meet-ing should be held in Bulte, where the magnates can get into personal touch with circumstances governing the greater number of cities In the circuit. President AV. 11. Lucas, after he had read tho foregoing telegram, said that as the schedule had not been given out vet, 1 seemed a little premature lo say that it would conflict with racing dates. The only announcement thai President Lucas has made is that Butte would open In .Missoula April ;. Lucas added that as far as possible, the schedule would avoid conflicts. Concerning the com plaint that the schedule meeting should be held In Montana, Lucas said that the lasl schedule meeting was held In that state with the understanding that Ihb next one would be held In' Utah. Salt Lake and Ogden have race and fair meets, with which no conflict is desired. |