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Show Tribune Want Ads Pull! Shamrock Shredded Cocoanmt jfl i Regular 30c Today (My, ib. I .W One pound to each customer. China cup and saucer with each pound oE tea, any kind. National Tea isiiipartmg Co. 45-47 West 1st South (Next to Dhrwoodey's). OREGGET SHORT LEmE TIME CARD. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 3, 1911. Depart. Dally. Arrlva. Ogden. Malod, Denvor. Omaha. ICannan R'l A TVT 71 A TVT Cit' Chicago and intermediate points be-' i .J.V xi. au. . . yonti Ogden. (San Francisco also arrlv- Inff,) " i H'i n p iyr 8 'fin A "ftff Ogden, Logan, Pocatollo, Boise, Marys- xu AU XiJ" .UU i.. J.U.. . Vjll0 intermediate Montpoller. Going 10:00 A. M. . Ogden and Intermediate points. 7:05 P.M. 11:40 A. M. . Vcr,aft,J Wnjjca - Omaha. Chicago. 3:20 P.M. 11:55 A. M. . L09 AnffClCeni1 Chicago 4.45 v, M. 1 fm "P TUT Overland Limited Ogden. Keno, Sacra- O'ClK V WF X.U-J ST, J.U. . mento. San Francisco. .VO sr. J.7J.. 2:45 P. M. . Ogden, Bolao, Portland, Butte. .. 4:50 P.M. 2:45 P. M. . Ogden, Snn Francisco. 7:05 P.M. 4:15 P. M Ogden. BrlffhamCach Valley. Malad and H:35A. M Ogden, Denver, Omaha, Chicago (Park , 5:20 P. M Clt'- Greon Rlvcr aild Weat only Ro-, l2'.40 M turning). " . . . 6:00 P. M. . Motor Flyer Ogden and Intermediate. .. 9:35 A.M. nd.Et "P 1VT Ogden, Bolso, Portland. Butto City and in-H A TVT .D ST. iVJ.. . San Francisco (Going). .J-"OU A. lYi. City Ticket Offlco, Hotel Utah. Phones 2bO FUNERAL DIRECTOR EBER W. JIALL. JNolRTAKElTGrD embalmer. 1C1 S. West Temple. Phones 1019. d3 E. G. O'DONNELL, UNDERTAKER and embalmer. has movc-d to new location.. lo-cation.. 225-227 South West. Temple 3t.. Realty bldg. Both phones 5S0. o33!9 CUT FLOWERS THE LEADING FLOPJST7VvTvrKlNG7 211 E. SncI So. Both phones 37. b207 HUDDART FLORAL CO., 62 SO. MA1N st. Phoims 106. Cut flowers and fu-neral fu-neral designs. nl632 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES LARGE STOCK TO SEIicTFlOTTC McKenxle. Display yards. 422 So. State. WANTED WANTED FEMALE HELP, FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCT. BASE-mniit BASE-mniit First Congregational church: we get you a position Tree of charge. Telephone Tele-phone Ind. 3G6C. Bell 3S22. t2773 SUCCESS INSURANCE UTAH BUSI-ness BUSI-ness College preparation for business life. Start a oourso now. Boston bldg.. day, night. sloSS GOOD GIRL. WITH EXPERIENCE. FOR general housework; good salary to right parly. Ind. 219S for particulars. xl'106 STENOGRAPHERS. JOIN SPEED Dictation Dic-tation classes at practical school. Phone Wnsatch 2003. Mrs. White. 507-10 Secur-Ity Secur-Ity & Trust bldg. :r?S3r, WANTED, EXPERIENCED GIRL, GEN-eral GEN-eral housework. 32 7th East. al0$ TOinSO LAD V WITH OFinCB Experience, Ex-perience, knowledge, of typewriting and business correspondence; give experience, '"fferences and salary expected. Address Q-9, Tribune. aC23 HENAGER'S RUSLVESS COLLEGE OF-fcrs OF-fcrs 1 00 for a gradual that failed lo get a position; investigation solicited. a70S GOOD GIRT. FOR GENERAL HOUSED work; good wages. Apply 79 Est. Ind. a722 GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR PLAIN conking and downstairs work; references required. Wasatch 00". ..,77s GIRL FOR GENERAL lloYSEWC'lC. 167 12th East. 77 WE WANT AN EXPERIENCED. competent stenographer; must be ranld and accural e and have a good knowledge of her mother tongue, situation has good future. Write explicitly, giving experience experi-ence and oualifieallons. Letters treated confidentially. Address P-17, Tribune !l911 GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL TO HELP around home before and after school, for board and room: family or three grown people. Address P-12,' Tribune nSi2 . .. AT ONCE COMPETENT ALL AROUND drv goods and ready-lo-woai- saleslady, sularv S12 per week. 7osition permanent to right party. References required. Call mi or address O. D. Rasinuasen. Ogden. 1 aS!r7 VTANTED SZTTTATTONFEIVr.-VLE. STENOf: RA PI I ER VvVNTlPOrruSx at once. References. Address P-l. Tribune. a759 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER W1SH-cs W1SH-cs work Tor families. 51.3(1 per Ouv Address P-tG. Tribune. ano3 LOST AND FOUND LOST AIREDA LE TERRIER FROl 32 So. 7lli East st. ; very short tall, swelling on neck. Wasatch 5159-IC. Rc-v"' Rc-v"' 'd. ,,625 IN OR NEAP. 'A. V.. M. I.. GOLD bracelet engraved "Mary." Reward for return to t lilts office. aS3o LOST WED.. LIGHT TAN i'UIT CASE Reward If returned to Hotel Savoy. "aS9i; LOS'J' PACKAGE CONTAINING DIC10DK to land In Tooole. Finder please notlfv .leiiNen Crca7iiery Co. Reward. n.SSO ANNOUNCEMENT HERE IS SOMETHING HORSEMEN should know: I am using Dr. Nunn's Black OH Healing Compound in my stables sta-bles and on my breeding farm, and will say that I have yet to find Its equal as a stable medicine for all purposes. II has saved much valuable racing stock for me. Respectfully. C. B. CLOW. s692 Tribune Want Ads Pull WANTED WANTED MAXE HEIP. SHEPPARD'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCT. "Tho Red Front," 112 Weat 2nd South. Headquarters railroad and mining belp. Oell 3534. la43 M. J. DEVJOaV EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Skilled and unskilled laborers furnished. fur-nished. JO East l3t South, corner Commercial. Com-mercial. Bell phono 23S8. Ind. 923. VH S TROC IC S EM P LO YMENT AOKSCV--Hotel, rcr.lanraiit and household Help. Headquarters Tor laborers. C3 West 2nd S011U1. Phone 4fi FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 3AS15- incnt First Congregational churett. get you a position free of charge, 1: phones Ind. 3(!n5; Bell 5522 PERSONAL ATTENTION AND THOR-oughness THOR-oughness characterize Utah Badness Collcnro training. Dav and night- Begin nov.-. Boston building. s"'3' DANCING SCHOOL. OS POSTOFFIOB place lesson! 25c; private and ,c'aSa dally; fecials Tae3.. Thurs., Sat. Held 3 Union Band. -23" ENERGETIC MAN "WITH SALES ability. Opportunity will be open In 10 days. Specify married or ulngle. Ad-dresa Ad-dresa Q-12. Trihnno. f FIRST CLASS SAUSAGE MAKER AND a neat shop tender; good wagc3 to the right man. Address Sutton market, Provo, Utah. - x- 71OO.O0 REWARD IS OFFERED BY Henagor'3 Business College for one of their graduates that failed to get a position. EXPERIENCED SODA DISPENSER. AP-ply AP-ply J. 1 L R. 'Franklin Co.. 10S So. Majii. WE HAVE A GOOD OPENING FOR A young man wishing to enter the r--al estate business and who can invest 5200. No chance to loose and 0110 of the best chances to become established In a paving pav-ing business. Good returns assured from the start. Previous nerlenco not. nec-essarv. nec-essarv. Call 509 Mclntyre bids. aSH EXPERIENCED DRIVER FOR f'LEAN-lng f'LEAN-lng wagon. Nobby Sultorium, 2R5 Slate st. a8IS BUS POT FOR DINING ROOM WORK. Apply Shay's Cafeteria. a912 2000 R 1 LW A V MAIL CLERKS WANT-erl. WANT-erl. S9" i month; Salt Lake City examination exam-ination May tlh. Coaching five. . Write Franklin Institute. Dep'l 127-N, Rochester. Roches-ter. N. V. aS93 HIRST-CLASS MAN EOR COMRINA-tlon COMRINA-tlon Htenosraphlc-clcrlcul prisillon with local mercantile firm; good salarv lo right man. fall Remington Typewriter Co.. 172 South W. Temple. a900 WANTED SITUATIONS MALE. JAPANESE WANTS YTORIC IN PRI- vatc family. Address 0-51. Tribune. aGr.7 EXPERIENCED 13 O OK ICE E P E R WILL keep accounts spare lime. Address P-3. Tribune. a 727 BOOKKEEPER, GENERAL OI'FICE man: t-n year's commercial and rall-voad rall-voad exnrricnce. P-10, Trlbunq. aS."0 CHAtrFFEITR AND GOOD MEfTIA NI ': have good references: learned bu.-.iiips In rhlcago; have chauffeur's ccrliflcat.- Address P-13. Tribune. aS.IS WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS FOR rNDUSTRTALlNSIlR-ance. rNDUSTRTALlNSIlR-ance. combined with sick and accident benefits: advances mndo to riclit men. Call 56-57 Continental Bank bldg. o3200 SOMETHING NEW: AGENTS MA ICING from SG to $15 per day. 330 So. XV Temple. Room 117. nS!i LADY CANVASSERS: GOOD PROPOFT-llon: PROPOFT-llon: easy seller. P-2. Trlbmie. nS95 1 WANTED SALESMEN. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER First cla-s steuo. work done evenings-reasonable evenings-reasonable charges; will call If desired' E. L. Snnford. Phone Bell 5317. Address Ad-dress P. O. box r3f. n7(7 WA2TTED MISCELLANEOUS. furnitTr1)f'all""kTnd will pay you first-class prices. U. c! Fisher & Co., 165 So. W. Tcmnle. Reli 5171; Ind, 9G-I. o253 ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTII-Ing, CLOTII-Ing, trunks, valises : best prions paid. 28 Commercial sL Reply by postal card "771 Bell. t7i YOUR OLD CLOT JUNG; WILL CALL" Salvation Army.- Both phones. 12191 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND matlross remaking. Utah Beddim- & Mfg. Co. Both. 'phones 3S3. b302 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON. brass, rags, botllco. rubher. copper, etc' Utah Junk Co., S-10 So. 4lh West "phone -3- inl972 LAKE HAND LAUNDRY: ONLY IION-esl IION-esl work; please try once. Phone '591 32S W. 1st South. foos WILL SHIP CA R H. IT. GOODS TO LOS Angeles and one to Chicago und ono lo Portland and one to Florida noxt ten days; very reasonabloArales. Kimbal' Van &. Storage Co.."73 So.TMaln. S280S WK BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE nooks. "O. Sc N." Book Store.' 10 E 2nd South. Phono Wasatch 2U1S. p2fit2 WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE widow lady one or two small children not younger than 5 years, to board and -are for; a good home; no other children, liyland -195 -M- ;;7S3 DANCING EVERY NIGHT. ARION hall. 2iU South Main; Saturday evening for ladies and gentlemen. GOe. including free ticket following night: ladles free: large hall, good music, x2208 I PAY THE BEST PRTCES --OR YOUR old clothes. Ind. 3273. Bell 5021. a25 WANTED TO BUY. A. MIMEOGRAPH and a counter S to 12 feet long. Ad- v.. .it-.. . v. iiu.i iiii.i, UII.V. illUI PARTY TO SHARE CAR TO OAKLAND or San Francisco: cheap rate. Mitchell Van & Sotrage. 273 So. W. Temple. nS3!) WANTED TO- BENT. GOOD 9-rtOO.M HOC7SE. UNFUR-nlshed. UNFUR-nlshed. modern, dose in: no children; desirable parly. Address PS, Tribune. a"22 WANTED. ROOM J N"TMm'E7-,A M -ily by young man. with' good references. refer-ences. Address 0-27. Tribune. a2C2 FURNISHED APARTMENT OR COT-1 tage with Ihreo bedrooms. Address! P-7, Tribune. a77tl FURNISHED ROOf WITrT BATH. BY man and wife with" child 9 years old. within walking distance of Hotel Utah; must bo reasonable. fi39So. 9lh East. Ind. 1BG01. aS36 .".-ROOM HOUSE WITH AUOUT TWO acres hind and orchard. n the country near lo car line. Address P-13. Tribune. a91 SHEET METAL WORKS COUCHMAN & CoTTTTEATTNGANrj sheet metal works. All kinds of furnaco repair work. 233 South West Temple. 112220 KEY-FITTING KEY FITTING. LOCiTYOk! BICTS clc Supply Co. Phones Bell 3G2S. Ind. f29. . o7ul COAL AND KINDLING E. P DEAL. COAL. BLOCK WOOD AND kindling. ICS E. -lilt So. Both plioneu. mSGH ;ov;,d nx $m ISi2,.-na South, the ihim8' : an month. sW. rntl vlnoaflav SB tend S1? S-lt brethren im-lti' " " v"fi?a "J oB !21iril A- J- Lowe. SCa'erarylhi:rwool.? A MMon'"l'P QSx52: "'embers -.riii r,K Vrrf Order E'istert on'3f,? or cach-m. V cn,V,1 '' vltInffM GERTRUDE E t.1?n-V . vlv. k LOUISA stew nnuLVM,N"' M 3k Masonic tomi)le,iL W Second East anr vj koulh Visiting LUCEXA MARCIL, ESTELV ILL, Secretary. y A. A. S. RITE TUB FOUtToOMT nulc bodies of the a. A. 3. Rlta fli Masoni- hold slated meotlnss UT riiursday ic each month at lhalf, temple, comer Frst South andSr East. Sojourning brethren lnvltW r ,w- 13. Bailey. 32d rteff. K v. M. Jordan lodge of PerfectloMHj' II. R. Mc.Millaa S1 W. M- James Lovo Charter 5Fr Croix No. 1. tr L. If. Hard'-ii: 32d (l.'MP Commander of Salt Like Council A. E. HutrhliiHon. 32il difl M. of M. Conslntorv Xo.' , Christopher Diehl 33d ihMtti Register for aJhoJjodliP UTAH COMMANDEIIY NO. 1, loW Templar. Slated conclave jKT Masonic temple, corner Second First South. ;h first TliureilayB inonlh. Sojourning Sir Knlstots B Invited to attend. TT F. C RICII.MOKD.;iK' E. O. L.EAT1I EPAVOOD. RmS1' UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1. H. :mLz Stated convocation second rf, In each inonlh at Masonic hatljB Second East and First S'oullf.K Companions cordially Invited. B reckon. H. P.; Moses C. ph1IlM Indopcndent Order of Odd fB JORDAI-J LODGE NO. 3. I. O.jWj" Meets every Monduy ulfflit ail; N. G. W. T. Hopkins, SccrelaiTfl I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIBEcB Subordinate lodges meet as 1Mr Salt Lake lodge No. 2. FridajW1' Entei-prlse lodge No. lE MIRIA3r KEBBKAII LODGB;' flrst and third Saturday eveyt each month at I. O. 0. F. tenuajM NAOMI RI5REICAH I.ODOH jJMbT Meets every second and 10U.M day evenings of each month at (H lows temple. Market 3tfcetj:;q FORESTERS OF AMEWCBhE; first and third TueHdajs cacM, at Eacles ball. 1L A. elllns, EXCELSIOR ('AiLP. I,SI2 Woodmen, meets Tutsday JKZ M W A. hall. 161 VmlwS neighbors welcome. C. D. ". J. W. Ewln. Clerk. -B. LO Y A L ORDER . OF MOOSB cM World-Salt Lake City lf'Auc meets in the Moose clubroomj J, West Templo sticet. -iiunaa 8:15 o'clock. wnlTAKR, J S R. WBLSII.retwJijg Ice.'.rSK UTAH CAMP. NO. 33S, W. U Wednesday evening. K 0'lKM? : w Temple- Visiting nc 'Jjn cant: E. J. Loiff. ConsukEjJ EnTgbts of PyJ id 2nd E.ibt. 6n(1 mmy j S. N. Ranuo'l'"' 0 -WHf day. I. O. O. F. b-' i.fc invitee. . t R Couticll. No. JJ7pnla(l,dlf?Bv5 Wednesdays. l-lVlter K J"nei; IS. "l Jo'ic.'!ni A find Ct Item at th, ' to .B-r .B-r ftV1' oidcat. 5fafs J? j'-'lfl'lnd. . KtylII ci?c3 Bj,sj453?x!e lJt,a |