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Show SWANSEA STILL IS WORKING IN ORE A man prominently Identified with business circles of Eureka slated to The Tribune Friday afternoon that the people, peo-ple, of the camp wore. taJclng exception to some of the reports published lo the offnet that the Swansea Consolidated management had driven through and out of Its new ore body. These reports havo not been published in these columns, col-umns, but for I ho news feature of tlie matter, and for tho Information of stockholders, his account Is hero given. "The management: so far has driven for all of 100 fol In or, having a full face at tcaU the entire distance, aJid tho face still shows ore without any indication in-dication of its ceasing," he stated. "When T left the ca.mp this morning the face was all ore, that much I am positive; posi-tive; of. There Is not a foot less of stoplng ground on this oro than IGO feel, despite the bearish report that there was not to exceed ninety feet of sloping territory ter-ritory available. 'Hie value of this oro as given by President Knight to Tho Tribune was 2S to :!0 per cent iron and 20 ounces silver, bringing smelter-net to ihe company between SS .and ?'J per ton. This statement of value was made soon after the oro. was found and was thu trno value at that time, and from all that we can learn the oro since has averaged aver-aged equally as well, if not better." |