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Show SUFFRAGETTES ARE PLACED IN DUNGEONS By International News Service. LONDON, March S. Because they revolted re-volted against donning prison uniform and taking the proscribed bath and gave battle lo the wardresses and set Hollo-way Hollo-way prison In an njnoar, Ihe suffragette leaders who were given hard labor sentences sen-tences were jilaced In underground dungeons dun-geons today In solitary confinement. The revolt was led by Miss Alice Wright of Albany. N. V.. one of the most persistent of the window .smashers. Before Be-fore the warring gentlewomen wore subdued sub-dued and made, to tiiko their baths, the wardresses had to use fetters. Afterward, After-ward, when thy suffragettes were ordered or-dered Into the workrooms to sew bags, Ihcy ripped up all the bags given lo them anil genuine riot was soon in progress. The prisoners yvero taken back to their cells and shortly afterward tho prison governor ordered all the ringleaders In the disturbances placed In the underground under-ground colls. |