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Show !5a?"u'fli no iLt0 r ,To.t K'InKh,!!'1 -ra" "'H i! "tfe or, ,tll National BLarlfa tllc ""Wcct of ureal - fi1fcV&naor'e,K,u,'' letter nf IPm'om f lnnnrirl and h-, U'lik!5 1in"ftb3o-S 1in"ftb3o-S flBr. national eUon .?f u,c lcl" J;u '"Wily hffiT PrI'ri"s iro tiB & ''w. R?,?.?,,' the restrlc-r restrlc-r -K&1?" "'so"' letter jBrilr, l0lKlit in part jjtttjS opj."rpr Rom'ib- l?(cJ!n candidate they desire to siinno.t In the anproaclslnsr campaign. VC( " loiu' decision must be nou, 'm' by everyone who Iia at , ; , lhe success of the Republican iJ.ir. In your letter to me of March Lulod. ,hat J have been br Pr3,ent Taft to act as rtl-nCv?-rt?fi 11 .b,,rca with headquarters in waenliiRton ors-anlzed for the purpose pur-pose or sccurinsr hla renominatlon for a sccoiii term. Blames President. ni.Li11" ?,oct!- therefore, lo the con-clus con-clus on that In reftiMlnjr to join with mo i an ofTorl. to secure an expression expres-sion b.v the Republican voters as to the candidate they wan!, you arc an-nounoincr an-nounoincr a decision or your chief, and that Mr. Tait refuses to trust lhc voters to determine the nuestlon or his candidacy and ho is willing to become the candidate or his partv even against the wishes of tVie majority ma-jority of his party. Sena lor pl.von expresses regret tha t Mr. Mj.-Kinley referred to "ehanceu in j." .V"'03 -'I,ne thc same is in prog- "I regret that ynu reward the selection selec-tion of a Republic.in candidate for nresl-"v? nresl-"v? of , a '"a,?.' ' says thc letter. nCnVy y?u. ,!'.,c comprehension or the dignity with which fne poonle invest the presidency of the United Slates so as to designate a function which If, nre- ilinnary to the. election to that high or-lice. or-lice. Colonel Uooscvrlt. it is hardly noc-Ts.t!inirl noc-Ts.t!inirl say? '? aKed in no ''game.' Hut. If you insist on designating it a came my desire Is to eliminate marked cards and loaded dice. Mr. Roosevelt and his supporters wiU not tolerate lh tricks and deceptions and fraud which are inseparable from tho kind or politics poli-tics your ennractcrizatlon Implies." Submits Questions. .Colonel Roosevelt's manager snvs in us letter that through political manipulation, manipu-lation, particularly In the south, there has been an absolute stilling or expression expres-sion on the part or the Republican voter.-, and he submits tjio following Questions to Mr. McKinlfy, a manager for President Presi-dent Taft. as follows: "I now ask you specifically: 'First A ro you willing, to join me in an aonenl to the Republican state committees com-mittees to provide for an expression of the Republican voters of tho snverot states of the choice of thc Republican presidential candidate? "Second "Will you immediately ioin witn me in a telegram to the Republican members of the legislature in Massachusetts. Massachu-setts. Maryland and Michigan, which arc now In session, whore nrr-sidoDtial preference pref-erence hills are now ponding and where It Is reported that your friends are trying try-ing to defeat their passage, urging them tOf support these measures? "1 await vour immediate answer to these two propositions, because I regard action favorably to the view I take as absolutely essential lo partv success in Novomber. Trust the Republican voters now. "Very irulv vours. "JOSEPH M. DIXON'." Delegates Divided. SANTA FTC, .'. A!., March S. The Republican Re-publican convention, in session here, will tomorrow morning elect eight delegates to the Chicago convention. Four will be instructed for Taft and four for Roosevelt. Roose-velt. This agieinenl was reached laic today at a conference of leaders of both wings of the party, who earlier in the diiv had met at .separate places. Thc cvenlv-spllt delegation was .suggested bv tho "progressive" "pro-gressive" wing, and after an extended conference was accepted by thc regulars. Supports Taft. TRENTON', X. J.. March S. William R- Pai,-e of Atlantic City, who announced that he would support President Taft for ronominallon. filed a petition with tho secretary of state to have his name placnd on the bill as a. candidate n.-s delegate dele-gate lo the Republican national convention. conven-tion. The petition of Mr. Page, who lives in the Second Now Jersey congressional district. dis-trict. Is the first lo be filed "in lhc Interest Inter-est of Mr. Taft. Refused to Accept. ST. LOIMS. March S. Managers of President Tart's eainpnlgti in St. Louis refused today lo nrerpt lhc proposal of the Missouri Roosevelt dub lo hold a direct primary to settle the Tnft-Roose-velt contest In St. I.ouis. The irply nr the Taft forces says the Roosevelt follow, era want primaries onlv where thoy are III control. :unl lliiil I ho nrnnmnl' wns not made in good faith. Bryan Undecided, MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Mar-h s. "1 not only expressed no choice ac between progressive Democrats, bul J find difficulty diffi-culty In reaching a conclusion. Willi" I "hail not hesilate to ovpress a preference !f I ho time comes when it seems proper to do so. I would ra.ther have tho convention conven-tion nominate without my having to compare com-pare relative ability.'' VT. J. Bryan thus answered today a report re-port thai In his speeches In the twin cilics ho would e.:;pro:8 a. proferenoo for si Democratic presidential candidate. He declared thai be did not wish to be con-idrod con-idrod as a candidate. Bolt Threatened. I3y international News Service. LINCOLN, Neb.. March S. Governor Aldrleh of Nebraska Is insistent that. Congressman McKlnley. manager of the Taft campaign, can operate In -an arrangement ar-rangement for a presidential preference primary In each and every slate in the union. The Nebniskan executive tonight sent Hie following message lo lhc Taft manager: Hon. William I'i. M-K!nley. manager Taft campaign, Washington. D. C: For the .suite of I ho success of the Republican party f urge and Insist that you work for a Presidential preference legislation Jn each state in the union. Thc rank and file of the Republican parly demand Ibis. Tho rank and file will be called upon to nupporl the nominee. They and I hey alone have Uio right (o say avIio the nominee shall be. Tho party machine may run tho steam' roller over the rights of tho rank and file In the national convention, but they cannot do it in the polls In November. Novem-ber. (Signed 1 CIIESTKU JJ. ALDRICH. Governor. Primary Demanded. SPOKANP:, Wash.. March S. C. R. PCegley. master of th Washington State grange, telegraphed today to William M, McKlnley, chairman of Iho Taft campaign cam-paign committee, a. demand for a direct primary. After explaining that tho National Na-tional grange at Its Isiat convention indorsed in-dorsed tills method of choosing candidates, candi-dates, the telegram says: "Wo hereby demand that you lake Immediate Im-mediate stops for the securing of an oxprossion by a primary vote 1'ioin the electorate of tho Anicrlcun people as lo the presidential preference for Republican Repub-lican nominee for president and vice president of I be Fnltert Slates." According to lhc telegram 500 organized organ-ized bodies are represented In thlK demand. de-mand. Adverse Report. WASHINGTON. March S Senator Brlstow'a bill for presidential preference primaries in the District of Columbia was reported adversity from tho senate committee on the district -today. Senators Sen-ators Galllnper, 'Dillingham. Oliver and Loiimer, Republicans; Martin nnd John-. Hton Democrat, voted against II. and Senators Curllfs Jones and Worlcn. Republicans, Re-publicans, and Pomeroiie, Democrat, for it. ' |