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Show fBas Jr PICKING jj litafl Kinds of . i Easy Work, ft Pitching Was the i Fcajure of the contest. K,iaiSensationnl "lay -xtie ft Crack at NHjatiokal league. ,Mi'-7oTth? Club? aw"" JsW ball P"rl to come off, Hlimtbe (act that a t 1 1 n h tspjTn around the mul- K'tiL- larp ' Jir.d m tlii rv.e f 11 ns a" i was the i hi' r K ih Bert D '- litxant. Lr Stlrknc. iBj, I 'irtnorshlp w.th I A:! Baseball Stars. fc-:' were- n handsome and IE r! ti" hr-ll -lurs who ( K i .! with th'- ld i lklU: "wrim wo wr C1K' had :i ball team 'Vi N..w that ' .K i r. f we- W?j a Fe.icli ''fc? - . i ii. i n ii" KdM the Fruit Picker Bt If they Ml ml f:.t n-hi-i a l. apm-jfB-" ' " V68K iL'i- " pBf - p 'I ' ihi ii i Crst. alifi . n i .-n Sj"jV-' rnin tri , I; Mylr.iv, ln n. QBl a chain".' to t t . BaMP th' front m,.-.. in... P Jlrong hltti r ns Bert Vi Solitary Bus. Pf7 n.n was m.-.,,-. n ,ie Un vOh two f ritchfd ball Ham- I RE K' r''z'"r ;,r"1 pp. uidw filled thi . ' 's ut al nrM I B Towr and was thrown ... L:': --?edlngs In th Evhr ''r'-f"-.' drew a fto ' then ' with a clout 1 " I imai P Third -g SSV'S,)' : ' "' ' ir I' ' Won. however, was :, L'"n and Sr, ,n Wt shooting "crith they nilerl Delmns-s swat Good Work. T'i t" . j j j : o I " i j o -4 . ? 0 f, ft m u the iWv,i features of tho game, together with LeahVs blocking of Toser'a wild pitch In the eighth. ' Red" Norton has certainly gotten the grounds ln magnificent condition and there Is no excuse whatever for any mlsrln by the members of th home team. The llnr-up for this afternoon's game will I" the same as yesterday for both teams. With the exceptions that Durban Is elated to pitch for the locals and Vashlnder Is down for tho Boise bunch. Jack McDeod Is making a big hit at tho groundo with his announcements of the gsmi-s played at Ogden through 'eper-lal from The Tribune" und his "git I with the diamond teeth' stunt cannot bo beaten. Prealdenl Rlshel of the league slates that "Manager Mclntyie was fined llvo dollars by myse.lf today for his actions on the ball field when he, bumped Into Umpire MocRae In a threatening manner." For what? Op,den 5, Spokane 4 OGDBN, I tnh. May 24 The opening game of the series here with Spokane was won by the Ogden team by tho score of S to 4. Spo-Uar.e Spo-Uar.e had a g. jd lead on the game until the evi nth Inning, when a bunching of hits by the home team scor-d four runs. A pretty double play In the ninth by tho Ogden team c-r.ded Sj..kanr's chance ,.f t.ln(; the r. ,.re A feoture of tho day was when Hausen. who was married on Monday, went to the bat first time for Ogden 1'mplre Betley went Up to him and In behalf of the Osdsn tenm I r. 11 nted a handsome cut glass ase and some Cholci plaoei of hand-painted china. After making an almost Inaudible acknrisvledgmcnt, Ocdsn's catcher desired the gifts to bo con-reysd con-reysd to Mrs. Hausen, who was then In thn grantotand. The aeore: srOKANE. AB. R. H PO. A. E. Raymond, ss 4 0 0 2 3 0 Ferris, 2b 3 Z 1 1 fl 0 Baxter, lb 4 1 0 II 0 1 Martlnke. If. . . 3 0 2 2 0 0 Lewis cf ,.3 0 0 2 0 0 owviney. c. 3 0 1 3 0 0 Bwaln, 3b 4 0)140 Otlpaaricli rf .3 1 1 0 0 n Kllnkhammer, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 Total .. si 4 0 24 13 1 OGDEN. , AB. R. Hj TO A. E. Clark, lb r, 1 2 i 0 0 Blulh rf S 0 2 2 1 0 Hausen, c . 3 1 : 6 2 C Olmlln. cf 4 12 110 Fulmer :;h . l 0 0 0 2 0 Herwlg, If 4 (j 1 o , j Beer 2l .4 7 1 Ereslno. ss 3 2 1 I 4 0 Hoon p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hasting?, p 3 0 0 0 1 0 TpUl 34 6 13 27 19 2 'Marfan Ut batted for Kllnkhammer In the ninth S)okana 20 1000 100 4 Hits I 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 16 Error 00000010 1 Ogdsn 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 a 0 2 1 2 2 0 5 1 -lJ Errors . 1 0000010 02 Stolen hates. Raymond. Martlnke, Bluth. Double plays, Ferris to Raymond Swoln to Baxter Uaer to Breslno to Clark Bluth to lark Struck out, by Hoon 1 b Bastings 3. by Kllnkhamer Tvvo-baoo hits. Ferris. Glm-lln Glm-lln Three-base hit. lark Tossed ball. Stanley, wild pitch. Kllnkhamnftr Bs in balls, off Hoon 1, off Hastings I, off Kllnkhammer Kllnk-hammer I. Hit bv pitched balls, Lswis, Fer- 'Ih Bacrlflcs bit, Hoon Attendance, oo I Mplre, Setlej Time of game, 0110 hour and twonl -five, minute. |