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Show Ol City and Neighborhood! THE committee appointed by the Millenary union to tako steps toward ereiinlzlnc a Young Woman's Christian a-clnUon In this city lire requested to mi-ct at Van Sanl & Chamberlain's munlc store 51 Main street. Friday, at 2 o'clock p. m. sharp. . . . AN'N'Ot'NCKMF.N'T c.nne yesterday of the death, 0t Toprka. Kan., of MIkm Belh Mc-Ashan, Mc-Ashan, a niece of Attorney J M Hamilton. Tho young lady vlslteJ Mr. nnd 5lr. Hamilton Ham-ilton threo years npi und made many friends In Salt 1-ako Hart disease was tho cauio of her untimely death. t A. C. MIl.NBn. who has returned from Los AnKcb m. soys that the buslnesu men of that cltv are nianlfeillnc tho preatest Intercut Inter-cut In the conilnc pHtfrlmajro to Salt Lake ns thr Rucsts of the I 'lark road. He believes that the excursion will be ono of the most beneficial thing that ha ecr happened (Or Salt Lake YKRY large mall ure now being received doll) over the San Pedro from couthorn California Cali-fornia The llrift of these malls camo In Moa- LIEL'T W. A POINT of the Twenty-ninth Infiinlry. who wom MVCrcly wounje.l by ( apt. Ilaybourn when the lattor committed BUlCldO several davs ago. has neaxly recovered from his Injuries and will soon be able to report for duty. BAITO'BL H- CAMISLE an arc1 Inmate of the ' county Infirmary. who vu severely burn'd by aer.t-nl several days ag". dld yes-ter.lay yes-ter.lay from his Injuries. The funeral will be heM this oft'-rnonn fiom the chojiel of l"n-derlaker l"n-derlaker J W. Taylor THIS SALE of reserved seat for Mrs. Minnie Min-nie Mai.iern E1k"'r. address at Itarratt hall, May -"S, will open Friday morning at 10 o'clock nt Schramm's drug :ilore Tho price .1 served n'ats will bo 75 cents; general ad-mlrslon ad-mlrslon 50 cents. THE SOUTHERN COPPER MINING company com-pany tiled srt'cles of Incorporation with ths County Clerk yesterday. It t capitalized for $3.ViOO The officers are J IC. Persons president presi-dent B J. Persons, vice-president, and J. M. Reynolds, secretary and treasurer. Iff. E. CHRISTOPHERSON director of music mu-sic of the county schools, will meet with nil i luhth Kra l pupils nt tho AKScmlly hull on Monday, May 9, at 2 p m. A C MATH EWSOX. assistant to State Superintendent Su-perintendent of Schools Nelson, delivered an n. hires before the ei admit. i.f the eighth grndo In tho schools at Ml. Pleasant Tuesday nlrht THE COLLBQE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION EXAMINA-TION BOARD has appointed (Imrgn A. Eaton supervisor of examinations fur the Statu of i'tah. those psseing ruminations held by this heard are entitled to enter any American Ool-Uge Ool-Uge ..r university. The examinations will be held In Silt Lake .tune 11 to rt. nnd Mr Eaton will be glad to give further Information to any prospective candidates |