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Show anArrow QUARTER GIZE IS CGNTO EACH ; 2 FOR 20 OCNTS OLUETT, PEABODY St OO. lfT" fcan ofC-ll, In, l lb. World. SSS 1 A THE HISTORY OF CHAMPAGNE No. 4. I 7vjH T WAS DOM PERIGNON, the Monk who 1 iJjB discovered Champagne, who also found the i Gi secret of imparting further delicacy by the I Wtr addition of just the right proportion jjfife J H xtj- t very rare wine and a bit of tj Qtm ' I tciior. His secret is known to the x Great Western 1 1 Not only have wc the perfect art of making Champagne, Jwfr' mt,. but also conditions of coll to produce fruit cf certain pecu- iMBS 3B5fe liar, spicy, yet mellow qualities. The soil Is the first mB9 foSL requisl'e. Rhelms, of New York, (the scene of Amer- MhB&W lca'3 oldest and most carefully cultivated vineyards) produces grapes equal to the famous Rheims of France hence, Great Western, the only American Champagne L acknowledged by experts to equal the foreign product Wsjfstitfk at half Ihe price. The cost of the wines Is the same rfjJist- the duly makes the difference In the price you pay. 'WSSlltttii& Order Great Western and j '-flp make your own comparison. T, PLEASANT VALLEY WINE CO., Sole Makers, RHETMS, N. Y. Jjlamk Sold everywhere by Dealers in Fine Wines. 7 TEA Don't be shy , your grocer wants to ret rn your money, if you don't like Schilling's Best. SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE 208 MAIN ST. California and Eastern races. Direct wire for all bporting events. 1 Wh?n it comes to , digin out your last g 1 summer's underwear, t I And discovering so I many threadbare spots I 1 and frayed edes I I That a new supply j 5 is necessary, g Come riht here I and choose to your 8 I lining I I From a stock that 5 shows the Kind you g I 50c to $10 the suit.- I All the thin sum- 1 t mery textures are rep- I resented. I ONE PRICE. I fj. P. GARDNER j S 136-136 MAIN ST. K THE QUALITY STORE. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC A thoroughly modern savings dopari-nunt dopari-nunt conducted ln connection with tbls bank Safe deposit "ooxes for rent U. S D 12 POSIT ART. FRANK KNOX President i ME8 A MURRAY .Vice-President Y F ADAMS . Cashier CAPITAL PAID IN (800,000. INTEREST PAID N TIME DEPOSITS. J E. COSORIFF. E. W. W ILSON. President Cashier. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH Commercial National Bank An Exponent of Conservatism Combined with Enterprise. J. J. Daly. 'W. P Noble. Vlce-presldenta A. H PEABODY. Asst. Cashlor J-JESEHET NATIONAL BANK, UNITI7D STATES DEPOSITARY. Salt Lako City . Utah. Capital, 9500,000 Surplus, 5250,000 Li. 6. HILLS. MUSE3 THATCHER, President Vice-President H. g YOUNG, E S HILL8, Cashier. Aeat Cashier. Safe deposit boxes for rent WALKER BROTHERS, BANKERS. INCORPORATED. Established l!v9. Capital and Surplus 8250,000.00 8afo Deposit Boxes for ront Travelers Lottere of Credit Issued. ESTABLISHED 1841. ISO OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. O. DUN & CO., The Mercantile Agency. GEORGE RUST. General Manager. Idaho. Nevada, Utah and Wyoming Office In Progress bk'g . Salt Lako City. JljcCORNICE & CO., Bankers, Ealt Lako City, Utah. |