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Show FUNERAL DIRECTOR. KBEP. W HALL. UNDERTAKER. RB- I -:.,.ved 10 'J2-' Soulli Wet Temple f.g FLORISTS AND CUT FLOWERS. THE ROSERIE, CUT FLOWERS, rv.rnl arrangements 142 So. Main; phones MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES. R. M KENZ1E, MONUMENTS AND headstones. Large stock. 422 So. State. MONEY TO LOAN. H IT YOU OWN A VACANT LOT AND Imagine ynu will mnke any money by i living It unimproved, you aro laboring under a mistake which you will regret in .n few months In allowing 'is to advance vou th money to build .use. you do so without any risk whatever and the time, will be short until that house will mean n steady Income to you, for In making the loan we will Agree to look sn-t'.rclv sn-t'.rclv in the rents derived from tie' pr.'j.-Tty pr.'j.-Tty for our pay. Open Monday oven- afl ings Salt Lake Security & Trust Co. F. JS. McGurrln Pies t fl Securltv Trust Hldx . and S. M n St. HW H IF YOU WANT MONEY QUICKLY H and free from red tape, the right thing Is to go to a home concern that loans its own money. Partial payments allowed nnv time The Home Trust and Savings H rn 6-10 W First South. H " LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST IN HJ ity on all kinds of loans, furniture, planes, etc.. lot, lime; 112 D Keith hMg. J nrp H J.7M TO roao. 7 PER PENT JWno TO J iniv.n. G per cent. Meeka Lynch. 316 J Atlas 191 H SALARY LOANS, DAYS OR MOB., I easy term Emp Credit Co. .18, 4rJ S Mnln H MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL ARTT- HJ ces of value, at New York rates of lnter- J est. Uncle Sam 30 E. 1st So H HEAPF.ST RATES ON FURNITURE, HJ pianos, etc., without removal. Room 3. oyer Utah National hank. h21.1l H ON FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS HJ of chattels. 400 Progress bldg. "Phone J 1761-Z. h2074 H Jfirtl T( $.Y.0o0 ON REAL ESTATE; 5 Hi per cent. Interest and up. Houston Real J Estate Co., 2E3 Main. el295 H CHEAPEST MONEY IN CITY ON HJ furniture, pianos valunhles, etc., at rates HJ eheupe-- than nnv one in city; easy term. I Room -A-. Keith bldg. elGS I , MORTGAGE LOANS MADE ON FA - J vorable terms. Frit 80 h, No. 12 E. 2nd So. J M192 H N MORTGAG F, ; No t '( M M ISSIC N J Pomoroy, 36 W. 1st North. Phone 2331 -Y. J uSsl H DON'T BORROW TROUBLE BOR- HJ row money Salaried men or women ac- Hl eommodated on their note without inori- Hl gage or lndorser; easv payments; con- J fldentlal. Cherry, 107 D. F Walker bldg J i H ON ANY PROPERTY; YOU RETAIN possession. The Stringer Co., 70 W 2nd So ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. EL-mer EL-mer E. Darling & Co.. 4 East 3rd South. $1000 TO $50,000. ONE TO FIVE YEARS, L farm or city property. James K. Shaw. under Walker Bros.' bank. p33 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS M I L- ler & Vlele, yxi McCornick bldg AT .LOWEST LIVING RATES, ON pianos, furniture, horses. v.-hiees; f.isy terms F. G Wood. 119 Main st. R 310. e5S4 PRIVATE LOANS; NO REMOVAL; low rate; easy pa.vments 210 Atla.w hlk. eGOft SALARY LOANS FOR DAYS OR mos. easy terms. Emp. Credit Co., room I-". IS s Main h930 H I WANT ALL Till: GOOD LOANS I HJ can secure; no rommisylon. no Baatem HJ company, no third party: low rate; many HJ options. Russcl L Tracy. No. 11 E. First HJ South. h401 H WHEN IN NEED OF READY CASH HJ see us. Crescent Loan Co , t; Hoop, r I.Ik hfl DENTISTS. H DR. A. SCOTT CHAPMAN DENTIST J 605-G08 Scott bldg. Bell 1864-Y. Ind. 2CS. DR. J. A. DEN IKE. DENTIST. 301-3TC .' uerh.irh P.Mr I. - ., LOST. I WHITE AND CURLY FRENCH I pcodle bitch feet and nose clipped, bobtail ans name "Pet"; $5 reward. 15.S E 2nd So I HOuT H NEW BUGGY (.'I'SHION RETURN J Salt I.ako Livery ,in,1 Ttansfri yv, .,,,, I receive reward. IL926 H BETWEEN AG RIO 'LTU R A L PA 1 1 K I mid cor w. Temple and :in1 South a aack containing boots, halter, etc. Return J 18 S. State st. and receive reward. 11924 H SUNDAY. POCKETBQOK CONTAIN- J Ir-g small change, calling cards, door key and phial of medlclna Finder return to Ha ''N'ilHon hotel. I17&4 CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS. H SHELLED NUTS. OILS. EXTRACTS. jams, Jellies, pie Mllngs. crushed Iruit, "la water sundries, confectionery supplies, sup-plies, etc H. A. Tuckett, 820 E. 1st So. t. AUCTION SALES. LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SFC-J SFC-J or.d-hand goods. O K. Furniture Co , 306 J Hu. State: "Phones. Bell, 1996; Ind., 2255. n-yi CARPET CLEANING. J CARPETS CLEANED ON THE FLOOR by compressed air and vacuum; upholn-ic-ry. rugs beds. etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. guar-anteed. Utah Sanitary Cleaning Co., 117 Kouth West Temple. Both 'phones K5. h!571 WANTED. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE care of house for summer; no children; ref If required. Add o 12. Tribune li9 TO BUY A GAS RANGE CALL AT f.9',. Weal Flra'l So. 'Phone lfi6i-x. SPAN OF I100-LB HORSES. C A faa kins. lullen hotel. H9rn PERFORMERS FOR OSTERLOH'S Big, Tent Show, band 8 pieces; state busl-- busl-- lowest salary; also ball. .on mon v ;th balloon. Open jiane 10 Address 634 So. Main. Salt Lake City, 11M8 PARTIES TO JOIN IN SHIPMENT Of household goods to Seattle Can sav you mone. RoJmun 'an & Storage Co. 11868 ADVERTISING WORLD, COLUMBUS Ohio; a monthly journal of Information, plans', suKxe.stlorm and I'l'-.i" lor ad'.erlW-lng. ad'.erlW-lng. Send today for free sample, or 10c for four months' trial (1887 A 5-H P. ELECTRIC M0T0R AND a compressor Addresa o 61, Tribune. ' 11363 GOOD PLUMBER FOR PARTNEI: IN plumbing business. Address Q zj. Tribune. Tri-bune. iU70 IF YOU WAxNT YOUR HOUSE OR lot sold, list now. Cromar. opp. postoi-fice. postoi-fice. h'J4i HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S casi-off clothing, bat. shoes, trunks, valises. Bend festal t5 Commercial at. Bell 'phone 1125-JC. hXUO ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH-Ing. CLOTH-Ing. trunks, valla ts; beet prices paid H Commercial st Rsiply by postal card clKL HIGHEST PRICE FOR 2ND-HAND H H. goods. Ucrtorn Furn. Co.. 2nd-hand etore; 'phones. Boll 1704-Y. Ind. 1625. g!929 TO RENT OR BUY. BARBER SHOP, or good location to start one. Addrers O 80, Tribune. 8 GREAT WESTERN IRON & METAL Co.. dealors in scrap iron, metals, rubbers, rub-bers, Lotties. r-.gn. etc. Carlodds a specialty spe-cialty L'je-jJO 1st West. "Phono Ind 1831, Bel! b2j77 HIGHEST ''RI'E PAID FOR IRON, brass, rage, bottli rubber, copper, etc Ltah Junk Co. 6a E. tilh So. 'Phone 229. Z207 A LITTLE AD UNDER THIS HEAD attracts a wonderful amount of attention. It In I clause Th- Trlbine is tho recognized recog-nized want ad medium of Salt Lako City SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND stove Matscn. 251 Stale 'Phone 2L.I-K. h974 HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALIj DE-aerlptlona. DE-aerlptlona. Western Furn 10 ;'nd iiand Store 'Phones; Ind.. lt:5; Bell 17y4-Y. h!27I WANTED AGENTS. ENA" ELOPE SALESMAN WANTED Resident agont wanted to represent large, envelope manufacturer ine familiar with stationer .- or office supplh s preferred. Excellent Ex-cellent side line Address O 8, Tribune II S08 AGENTS MAKE pt DAILY SELLING tho cheapest and most perfect Water Filter ever Invented Retails at $2.00. Big profit Exclusive territory. SENECA FILTER CO.. Seneca. Mo. WANTED SITUATIONS. A COMPETENT Nl'RSEGIRL WANTS a situation. O 59. Tribune. ilSTO BOOKKEEPER. WITH LONG Experience,' Ex-perience,' wants set of books to work evenings. Address O 9. Tribune. USf BUTCHER. ALL-ROUND MAN, . wants position. Address O GO. Tribune. 11370 PERSONAL. KNOWLEDGE. FISHERS FOOD Remedv cures all lemale diseases 'Phone, ind 310" 177 East First South. 1706 BICYCLES. ATTENTION! ROAD RACE RIDERS. To the lirst in 111 ner the tape, mounted on an Ivor Johnson Indian or National wheel, will be given a National Racer, $50. To the tlrst man over tape on a Racycle Will be given gold medai, valuo $15. Now Is your time to get an honest wheel at honest prices CARTELS LEAGUE I'Y' I K STORK. 32-". South West Tempi':. 11368 AUTOMOBILES. H A YNES-A PPERSON. 3 MODELS Deseret Auto Co.. 71 So State st. 1715 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED -INTEREST IN GOOD business for $00 and services by young man. best of references, good stenographer. stenog-rapher. O )o, Tribune. I1S52 A YOI NG MAN WITH $1500 CASH TO take- charge of a drug business. Salary $1200 per year Addresa 2U 7th East 11502 CLOTHING. MENS AND YOUTHS' SUITS ON easy weekly or monthly payments. Hub Clothing House. 25 West South Temple. 1719 WALL PAPER CLEANED WALL PAPER AND FRESCOS cleaned. Telephone 1165-Y. 65 E 3rd So, g57 IDEAL PAPER CLEANING CO. Prices very reasonable. Best of rcfer-encea rcfer-encea Both 'phones 140 Godbc-Pitts Drug Co. 1141 CARPENTER AND JOBBER. HAVE YOUR WORK DONE BY THE Reliable carpenter ebon, US W. 1st So g!288 "WHERE TO STOP. 1HK "WORTH," STEAM HEAT, HOT and cold baths. 158 K. 2nd So fllC4 LINCOLN HOUSE, PAUL HEIN, I top . Go L 1st So , ;jw rooma, rates 25c. 25c and C0c e31fi CLAIRVOYANTS. MADAM ALIKSE PINK. CLAIRVOY-ant CLAIRVOY-ant medium and card reading 127 rear M" '"tut ,. :.(h .t ,1,1 pur, South on West Temple. Hours K a m to -J p ni 11015 EVERYTHING TOLD, NAME GIVEN Arnold-Dlckaon Bros. 'C3 Kast 3rd South 11817 SAFES. NEW OR 2ND-HAND. CASH. TRADE or terms. Soreutuu-Stoutt Co., 4S E 2nd &"th 13- LIVE STOCK. SAN FRANCISCO VETERINARY college. Next session begins July 17. 11551 WANTED HELP. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN IN hardware, fall 0 o'clock this morning. Utah stove and Hardware Co., 34-311 East 1st So. 11818 8 MEN FOR HEAVY LIFTING. $110 per da Cill this morning at 7.3". Utah Stovo and Hardware Co., 34-36 E. 1st So. 11915 FIRST-CLASS SLEFA F.-MAKER AP-ply AP-ply at F. Au?rbach & Bro IK'12 A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to do cooking and general housework on small ranch. For particular Inquire morning from 1" to p.', at 211 E 3id South st. 11880 HELP IN ALTERATION DEPART-mcnt. DEPART-mcnt. Apply Suit dept.. Walker s Store 11018 BOY TO STRIP TOBACCO AT BERN- aleln'fl Cigar Factory, 54 Market st 11901 LADIES OR MEN TO WORK IN every town In tho Stale; good salary 343 East 4ih South st H902 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADK po--ltlons gnaraiiteeal ; S wi ks eonipletes OjXDensea made while learning. Call or write for particulars. Moler'a Barber College, Col-lege, 68 a, 1st South st 11908 CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH AN D Moorman; must be competent Tripp Shop. 13Jr W. So Temple ll"(2 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL hoUBOWOrk; must understand cooking. Apply 61 Flr-t st. 11985 SIXTEEN GIRLS. AT EMPIRE-UTAH laundry 45 So. W est Temple. IIJO, A l"l RST-t LASS CIGAR SALESMAN to take h line of established cigars on commlaslon; must be well acoualntcd with Ihp trade 171 So. Main Joe Levy. I1!20 GOOD CLOTHES PRESSFR OR buehelman; ateady work Temjdeton Cleaning Co. los i: 2nd South. UXT GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E-work; HOU8E-work; good wages; two In family 619 First st. 1 A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN-er.il GEN-er.il house work. Small family good wages 24 So. ttth Eaat. BOY WANTED AT 214 S MAIN 1159 KIR KM EN AND BR AK EM EN N railroads everywhere Experience unnecessary. unnec-essary. High wages, promotion Name position wanted. State age Stamp for particulars. Railway Association. Depl 1W). Charles bldg , Denver, Colo. A WAGONMAKER AT ONCE. J P Fowler, 57 So. West Temple MM'" GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK S21 Brlgham 11826 -l CLOTHING. SHOE AND Fl finishing fi-nishing goods salesman and window trimmer None but llrst-class. wideawake wide-awake rustlers in ed apply. Address C c Moore Real Estato Co.. St. Anthony. Ida, E ST M A K E R BY W. E Sf ON K . tailor, room x Walker Bros.' Bank bldg. I1MS A COUPLE SCRUB WOMEN. ALSO A parlor maid. Kenyon hotel n"4 INSTALLMENT NoLI.KCl'oR ! R merchandise accounts; good salary and expenses. Address Manufacturer, P. Oi Box 1027. Phlla . Pa. 11702 CARPENTER AND MASON WORK In exihunge for dentistry. I'nlon Denial Co., 218 S Main . 1 1793 A FIRST-CLASS COOK AT ON'E Apply Sohulthess, 13 80. Main I17SS WANTED. A CARRIAGE AND SIGN painter. Graves Paint Co , Idaho Falls. Ida H550 A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, no wujhlng good wages. Ml 1st street 11572 ALL GIRLS FROM T HE COI NTRY wishing positions, call on Mrs. Archer. No 3 1 bird East 11514 THOSE WISHING POSITIONS CALL at Mrs Archer s. No. 8 Third Bast. 11M2 BARBER AT 170 WEST SOUTH T EM-pie. EM-pie. U48B uRKhi-M AKKR. WASH F R WOMAN 724 E Brlgham st. IH2; A GOOD PIANIST AT BELLE Ll'ND-en's. Ll'ND-en's. 10 Electric avenue. Ogdeii. 11371 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-Work; HOUSE-Work; small family, tels. Bell 1MJ-K, Ind. 1049. U24M STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Hotel, rrstaurant and household help. He3douartc-rs for laborers. 4." W. 2nd So. 'Phones 464. e742 GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, to washing; one that can cook; wages $0 per week. j2 W. 6th So.. clt. Jas. A. Luke. 1605 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE: positions guiranteed; 8 weeks completes; expenses made while learning; call or write for particulars Moler'a Larbe-r Col-leg. Col-leg. 62 E 1st South St. 1098 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK j small family 318 Second st 11019 BEST PLACES FOR GIRLS AT MRS Olson's emp. office, 174 E 2nd So. 171 IF "iOU WANT HELP. CONSULT THE Tributio ads. None of them aro printed tree. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, one understanding ciooklng preferred. '.'Tu E. 1st South. MACHINERY. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACHIN- . bought aad sold. Large stuck on hand, eunblstltu; of engines, boilers, hoists, crushers, rolts. pumps, pipe and fltllng3. cars and rails, elu-ct stei I, acalea, air compressors, gasoline engines, electric elec-tric motors g?nerato-8, electric and fteam heating plants Installed. Telephone K21-K J M Bwem, 236 South 3rd West m3 TAILOBS. YOU WILL FIND THE RIGHT shades and colorings In up-to-date designs tor your spring suit at Wallace's & Co. the high-grade tailors. Their stock Is al-"vnys al-"vnys right NOTICE. $100.00 reward (sjiot cash) will be paid cn conviction of any parties making a rifle target of my residence. -.IftH CHAS GILLMOR. MINING ir.OKEE. VlLLIAi H. ALEXANDER. oTTND Atlas block 1 11527 HAY, COAL AND GRAIN. HARVEY K- CO IM W. SO. TEMPLE. Bell "phone 1632-7, Ind l-'H 1778 SPIRITUALISTS. MRS P. FONT YN, CLA1RVO Y AN T and iruuco medium. 267 80. W. Temple g48 EVERYTHING TOLD. NAME GIVEN, no matter what ;,-ou wish to know, CaU. Hours, 10 to 8. Materializing nr,ce Thursday night All Invited Arnold-Dickaon Arnold-Dickaon Bros . 269 Eiist Third South st. 'I hone 2417-K. US16 FOR RENT. FOUR Room FLT: MODERN. E. U Apply 212 w 1st South HA56 NEW 5-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, modern, natural wood; rent reasonable. 42 Boyd avenue, :t"i Bo., be! ii)i and Bth A', eat. 11867 8-ROOM TERRACE 272 K 2ND SO. ; pcrcelain hath, furnace, newly papered throughout; private family only. Si". 11 8 H 4- ROOM BR.. PANTRY AND CLOSET, $12.50, water In house 1042 So. West Temple, Tem-ple, ww tLOSE IN, MODERN 6-RM. HOUSE, fur groun-lv. s' ile fruit. It" rs. nl heme. 425 E. 3rd SouUv lb"6 MODERN 7-RM. BRI K. 688 S 1ST W.st. U"2 7- ROOM FRAME BATH; 7TH SO 1ST Weit. hl690 5- ROOM MODERN BRICK. S E.. $37 Vi t-room modern East 2nd South, $45. lb-mer A Robertson, Main and 1st South (un.b r Des r I bank). YOUNG e FOWLER. 32 MAIN ST 5-room. eller. barn W. 2nd So.. $10 5- room brick, modern. E. 1st So., S2.i SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE Inquire 258 West 1st North. uBO MOD. HOUSE. 771 E 1ST SO., Curnlshed; from June 10th to Sept. 1st.; $10. 8- room mod. furnished house. 5th Kast, $40. 6- room mod frrnlshed house on 2nd st; possession given Ma 10th, $25 Good 7-r. h . 77 N St.. $15. C W MILLER, 112 W. 2nd Bo. 11888 $5", 10-ROOM MOD , 18 "J" ST. $3.'. 8-room mod . B 2nd Bo $.15 8-room mod , 1256 E. So. T. $18; 7-room mod.; Bellevue place. $20; 5-robm mod ; 7 vYelliiigton ct. J..".. '.'-10. ,in house. 172 W 3rd So $15, 7-room house. f:4 So 1st W. J:"0. 5-room hous, . U W :.rd So 822 60; 7-room mod . 161 W 3rd So $10. shop-room, rear SI W. 2nd So. Modern office room. Newell blk. Large store 374 So Main St. Large store, 411 E. 2nd So.: Wilson hotel. $U 7-rooin mod and furn.. for sale 629 E 2nd So W. J. HALLORAN 14 W. 3rd So I15S4 TWO FINE ROOMS. CLOSE IN. water and closet Inside 48 Second East 11511 2 BLOCKS FROM CITY AND Co r N -ty building a cozy cotago of 6 rooms. 2 l'.s l pantr, Lath and electric light, must be small family. Young married couple preferred. $20. Apply 744 State st. 11481 MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE In; no children 122 W 4th So 11153 LARGE ROOM 40X40 FT. SUITABLE for most an purpose Rent cheap 86 W. 2nd So upstairs. 018a FINE STORE ROOM, 1ST SOUTH BE-tween BE-tween Main and State, t" per month. Houston R E. and lnv Co. 1928 STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM house. 329 So 5th E M2 69 1ST ST. 8-ROOM BRICK. TllOK-oughly TllOK-oughly model n. Weir, 3 W. 2nd South. 1199 EMPIRE HOTEL. 35 LARGE ROuMS. baths. South Temple und lat West; coming com-ing location. 8100.00 per mo Houston. Tho Housers. 'Phone 27. h2168 READY MAY 1ST. MAIN ST OFFICE suite Fin -proof vault. S. L. Security & Trust Co . 32-34 Main st. h2132 STORE. 144 W. 2ND SO. INQUIRE AT premises, h2331 5- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 104 No Main. Rooms can be sublet if desired for enough to pay rent lno.. U5 E. 1st So. hi 731 WANTED. 100 HOUSES FOR RENT. Tenants furnished free, of charge. J N Courtney, 41 W 2nd So Ind. fone. hlOJ2 FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. BATH AND pantr 3 blocks east of Main Bt; $18. Frltach, No. 12 East 2nd South St. hlOH 36 FLORAL AVE.. 5 ROOMS. BATH, toilet, cellar, etc . $17. Peterson Real Estate lnv Co. 209 Atl9s Blk. 1 hZOBS ELEGANT MODERN S-ROOM HOLSE. B14 South State. Inq. premises or tel. 2251-K 20 Houses, all prices and luca- tlons Tuttle Bros . 149 Main st. hCOO GET THE B 6t O. TO MOVE YOU Both 'phones SFi h59I 6- R, MODERN COTTAGE. 3RD ST on car line. $!6. r E McConaughy, f03 Anerbach Bldg 11036 SEVEN AND EIGHT ROOMS AND one vcr large 8-room modern house With tteim heat All elope In Jiia K. Shaw, u:,der Walker Broa bank al988 3 ROOMS. 1NUU1KE No. 8 BARROW S court. ' gl53S $12.G0. FOUR ROOM HOUSE. $10.00, three-room house 788 W 2nd So. st FURNITURE PACKED FOR SH1P- Clng, cut rates, expert packers of china, rlc-a-brac. furniture, etc Redman Van and Storage Co 'Phone 555 lvx3 OFFICE ROOMS IN DES NEWS AN-nex: AN-nex: single or en suite Inq rm 237. h53i FIVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; eloo barn for rent, cheap Oit S Main g2S15 LitHGE LIGHT BASEMENT, STEAM heat and lh.-ht. ground lloor; iifrlcc spaco if desired. Rent $15. 40 12. So. Temple gCTO A DRUG STORE; ELEGANT LOCA-tlon; LOCA-tlon; corner of 1st West and South Tom-ple. Tom-ple. Empire block; $40 Houston Real Estate Es-tate Investment Co.. TEA Main TWO LARGE ROOMS. $0 INQUIRE ;5 Apr'? st. hJ319 SCAVENGER. UTAH SCAVENGER CO.. OFFICE S60 So 3rd E Bell phones 8610-K and 31S3-X '289 CITY bCAN'ENGER CO.. OFFICE 137 E kth So ; "phono 46-2 and Ind- 3079 h!227 ATTORNEYS. SMITH & PUTNAM ROOMS 20-21. Commercial block Tel 3139, Bell l;225 J E DARM ER. LAW 1 ER. OFFICES lb-Vi Commercial clock 'Phono 'M3-Z. w274 MASSAGE. MRS C M TRIPP. MASSAGE AND magnetic treatment. 25$ S. W. T. 1764 HOUSE CLEANING. WALL PAI'ER CLEANING A SPE-clally SPE-clally Leave addresa at Smith Drug Cc Both. "Phonen 22a. gl&3 CAMPING OUTFITS. SMITH & ADAMS 55 COMC'L ST Tents, awnlnga and outflis Lo'.h I'hones 17 MIDWIFE. PRIVATE HOME FOR CONFINE-ment CONFINE-ment cases. Mrs. Lizzie Gelsler, 336 W. $rd North. Btll 'phone 561-K. b2A FOR RENT- FURNISHED. TWO SUITES LIGHT HOUSKKEEP-Ing HOUSKKEEP-Ing rooms. 372" South Main. 8 FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP. FOR light housekeeping; parties leave tor tne a tmmer Apply 442 South 3rd East 1014 6-ROOM MODERN. EAST SIDE, FUR nlBhed: ,'a-H and coal range. Inquire m-i. 4th Siuth. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOT SE-keeplng, SE-keeplng, $u per mo. 278 W. 2nd Bo. HwO 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeping HOUSE-keeping 158 Weal 2nd Sio. THOROl'GHLY MODE R N 8- ROOM brii k well furnish. . 1. including gas rn F street NK-ia'A Kl RN1SUKD ROOMS FOR light houaekt splng; bath. 361 West 8rd i Ba FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN $6 and $8 a month. 14 S. 2nd East. ' 4-ROOM FLAT. FURNISH E D FO R houackecping; modern. No 3 Kenaali t.rra.e . COMPLETELY FURNISHED. MOD-rrn MOD-rrn live-room house, piano, etc. ; Bth So. st. ; "nicely furn front rooms for housekeeping, 36 So. West Temple, inw "nk kia furn. rm. private fam- Hy; close In. 251 E. 2nd South. 1 OR 2 ROOMS. ALL MODERN. WITH bath. Apply No. m 1st st 3 ELEGANT FURNISHED MODERN rooms for housekeeping. 517 5th E. II08J FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. B nice, clean rooms on ground floor, 129 East 4th South ll'b NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board for two gentlemen 1K N. Mam. lltkS coY WELL FURNISHED LARGE fr.'iit room, hath, nice grounds; for gentleman. gen-tleman. 571 So Main st. luM 15 OR 35 ROOMS MODERN PRIVI-lege PRIVI-lege of buying furniture. 223 W. Bth W- IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR FURN. or unfurn rooms or houses, call on us Salt Lako Rental Agency. BtM D. F, Walk-r Bldg. Bell 'phone 207S-X. Il-W FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; prlvuto family; 40 J ut-. Tel., Ind.. 2441 g2l30 N 1 1 ri V I- I RN ISIII.I lit i' MS H )R housekeeping. 316 W 5th So. 11113 2 OR 3 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS fcr housekeeping. 70 West Bth So. 1551 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEKP-Ing, HOUSEKEKP-Ing, on ground lloor Large porch In front. . n d ilrable, no children. 63) So State 1414 3 TO 4-R MOD FLATS. 9-R. MOD house; rooms bonrd Tel 933-Y COS Y FRONT ROOMS. FINEST Location Lo-cation ; tourists welcome. 137 S W. Temple 1101 FINE FURNISHED ROOM. STR1CT-ly STR1CT-ly modern. 320 P. Second East. FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR without board; 47 So 6th West. h759 TWO ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSE KEEP-lng; KEEP-lng; modern conveniences 1K5 W. Sixth Booth IOI NG FOWLER, NO. 32 MAIN ST 7-room brick, thoroughly modern, completely com-pletely furnlwhe-d. 1st and Q sts., JX.OO IU520 FIRST-CLASS SUITE OF ROOMS private family. Boarders desired. Bell "phono 1S68-Y. THE PLEAS ANTON, NO 6 KENDALL square, handsomely furnished rooms; modern: closo In. "Phonn 240S-K. z235 EOARD AND ROOMS. BOARD AND ROOM AT 418 DOUGLAS ae, bet 12th and 13th E on 4th So . $4 l"0 NK'EL Fl RNISIIED Rf'ioMS Willi board, modern house 415 So. 1st West 11574 THE CULMER, HEALTHY LOCA-tion, LOCA-tion, new management. 168 N Main, nd phone 22S0 IH10 MODERN, WITH OR WITHOUT board; private family 157 No. State. 11374 BOARD AND R00MS KoR i.KNTLF-men. i.KNTLF-men. $4 and $5. 730 E. 3rd So Phone 238S-K 11159 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH hoai .1 66 W est 4th So. I5S5 $25 W PER MONTH, FIRST-CLASS board. Special rates to 2 or more gentlemen gentle-men occupying the same room. Modern )i"U-e, central. In paved district. 71 N. State a! 12a? NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH beard; everything modern. 234 So 2nd e 198 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE service at 21I E. 4th So. Both 'phones 265-Y. h2Li NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND pood beard, close In. 'Li W. 1st South 'Phone 11S7-K. THE ADVERTISERS UNDER THIS bead In The Tribune ure likely to be the best In town, because they aro progressive enough to advertise Ic tbe paper th-xt hnrge-t; for the service. It pays to advertise adver-tise in Tho Tribune ROOMS W ITH OR WITHOUT bOAKL) 14 social Hall, octwecn Brlgham and Flmt So. and State sL al31 MERCHANT TAILOR. SUITS. US AND L'P; PANTS J5 AND up. Schllep & Co . h? V nd So. STEAM CARPET CLEANING. WE CALL FOR. TAKE UP. STEAM clean and relay your carpets on short notice no-tice Thornburg Steam Carpet Works, b53 E. Jth South, 'hore3 1U06. Guamnteed hi 263 SALT LAKE STEAM CARPET cleaning works, cold blast feather renovating, reno-vating, work guaranteed. Cor Sth West and So Temple Emvr Eynon. Prop , Rei Tel Li.19 Ind lllo - MOVING AND STORAGE. MITCHELL VAN AND BTORAGE CO moving and packing 15 W 2nd So Tel 2068-Z. j B. & O. STORAGE' AND TRANSFER Co.; moving, packing, shipping, largest and best tftcrerooma In city 'Phones 355 2nd Bo bet 2nd and 3rd west, - 199 KIMBALL'S TRANSFER VANS. MOV. lng. storage and corn e l hauling. 19 W lt 00. 21S8-X. u03 REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO moving, packing and shipping Phono 555 Office. 126 and 127 S. W. Temple. hl64 ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER. KEELEY CO.. MAKERS OF PURE ice cream and uherbets, lec cream bricks etc. ; 26s So. Main. Fones, 3223. h238I COLLECTIONS. THE FIDELITY COLLECTION CO 801 Auerbach bldg Both "pbonea 607. tfl7-i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. J2SO0 win buy a lot r.vvir. ft elose in. 12-rm. house Terms can be arranged $2400 Will buy a fi-rm mod br . new. southeast; south-east; easy terms RANCK REAL ESTATE CO. 282 1 1 P Walker Bldg ii'ii7 J,rii Will buy a lot nr.out 92x2''' ft., I rms.. fruit trees. laWn, hedge, close III 81500 W III buy ft 5-rm. br. house. Lot COXlSO ft., easy termf. 1 THE RANCK REAL ESTATE ' 0 32 d r v alker Bldg 11918 PER K' lOT. 74UxlOOa feet, corner 8rd South and 8rd p,aKt Do you know of anything better'' Rlchter, 10 West 1st South St 'Phones .,11 H919 $1800-1 ACRES IN FRUIT BRICK house, large ruBtlc barn poultry sheds. g 1 well and ample water right; V5 mile liom t alder s park car. Address owner. Q 44. Tribune. H&fi HOUSTON REAL ESTATE 1NV Co.. real estate and loan brokers. 2jl Main. al 2'XIO RODS. STONE AND BRICK house. 888 E 1st So. Enquire within hHJ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. A SNAP FOR SALE AT ONCE, ON account of leaving city, furniture In 12-rooni 12-rooni hous for light housekeeping apartments apart-ments 363 South West Temple Good paying business. UP00 GOOD 1. LINING HORSE. RUBBER-tlred RUBBER-tlred htiggy harness, sewing machine Rm 310. 148 So. Main. 11903 Mi. FURNITURE AND COOKING utensils, at once. Leaving city. 315 E. 5th S... 11821 GOOD DELIVERY HORSE. CHEAP 82 Market St. 11882 BOARDING-HOUSE. 17 ROOMS. Fl LI . close in, a snap, good reason for selling Inquire I". Hi West, from 2 to I. I1S69 GOOD FURNITURE IN MODERN house, cheap, rent reasonable 7.4 South 4th East. 11857 DKLIYEin I EAM. CHEAP: M.So large work horse. Redman Van and Stor-uge Stor-uge Co. 1162 $600 It's a bakery this time. Good one? Well. I should 'ay. Location? No use asking. It's A-l. For particulars 6ee THE BNIVEi CO Mercantile Brokers. j-n v r a iKer mug Business chances a apeclalty. Ilv) FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE for sale, and house for rent. 940 W 2nd Sr. st 118-17 SMAI L RESTAURANT, $226, IF SOLD at once. Call 57 East 3rd South sf. ilS46 FURNITURE OF EIGHT-ROOM hous... in whole or In part. Call 326 South Third East. SHuii Buys a bakery and confectionery; good location and business; this Is a money maker and will not laat long THE SNIW'Y MERCANTILE BROKERS. BROK-ERS. 321 D F Walk. r bldg Business chances a specialty I1S12 THE BEST EQUIPPED BRICK LIV-erv LIV-erv barn In the Stale of Idaho, comprising compris-ing sly loti. stock, vehh les, etc. Also Seven lots, thre dwellings. Will be sold May 31, 195. at public auction Corres-pondem Corres-pondem e bo11 Ited W. .1 Harvey, Sheriff Sher-iff of Bannock county, Idaho 11764 THREE 10-PASSENGER STAGE wagons, one 14-passonger and one 17-paasenger 17-paasenger stage wagon, all In good condition con-dition nqul for addresa 1 n neggj. Boise, Ida . for particulars. USES FIRST-CLASS HAIR DRESSING AND manicure parlors doing gooel business. Address 0 26, Tribune. 11569 FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST SA-lonns SA-lonns In Ogden; first-class location; at half price Write for particulars J. II. Myers 37? 24th St . Ogden 112S3 FRESH JERSEY AND DURHAM cows. trade for dry, calves wanted Saunders, 'phone 2374-Y. 11854 A SELF-SUPPORTING COUNTRY newspaper In mining and f irming community com-munity a splendid opening for good nowapaper man Address P. caro Salt Lake i rlbune 11872 CHEAP FOR CASH, GOOD. SAFE family drhdng horse, nearly new surrey and harness ddreaa P. 0 Box 774 Rig al Eaat Side Stables. 246 East First South street. 11362 SINGLE DELIVERY WAGON AND harness cost $145. has only been run six month? 730 E. 3rd So 11219 HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. IOWA stables. L) W. So Temple alios FIRST-CLASS OHICKERING PIANO. $1S0 oO Room 3 over Utah National bank. - 808 FIRST CLASS MERRY-GO-ROUND. 6-h. 6-h. p. engine and 7 tine boats Inquire TkA State st. EGGS FROM ROCKS. REDS AND Leghorns. Oak Yards. Ogden. Cata-logue. Cata-logue. b890 NATIONAL CASH REG . NEARLY new Salt Lake Electric Suoply Co., 151 60 Main. h46 FIRST-CLASS ROOMING HOUSE; good location Address Q 4H, Tribune lM5t SAFE FOR SALE CHEAP APPLY 112 E. 2nd South. 11039 THOROUGHBRED BULL-TERRIER pups, dogs and bitches, $10. 964 S W Temple. h24ffi8 NICE BABY CARRIAGE. US W. 6TH South Ml TWO SECOND-HAND BAKE OVEN 3. che-tp; Kcn Dn hotel h2449 YOU CAN SELL ANYTHING through Tho Tribune. Ads under tall head frequently attract many Inquiries In every city some one paper bus tho tail for this class of advertising CARPENTER AND CABINET SHOP with machinery and power Good established es-tablished business, cheap. pply 221 W South Temple. RHODE ISLAND RED AND WHITE W yandotte eggs. $1 per 15. Cress Brook Ranch, 3510 South 7th East. 1900 HARDIES UINTAH RESERVATION Township Map and Guide. 15 cts. coin at book stores or 'j14 S 2nd W. st. 1297 A GOOD RESTAURANT. GOOD LOCA-tlon LOCA-tlon 4:. W. 2nd So hl'3 OPTICIANS. ALEXANDER OPTICAL CO. ATLAS block. eirjoj OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. CIRCULARS. SAMPLES, AND DODG-ero DODG-ero distributed. J M Waldsn, Bell 'phono 15v2-Y 1279 FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY. UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINERY Co., castings of all sizes, braes or Iron; general mechlno repairing; especially equipped to build gasoline engines. 6J? nnd 635 S. Fourth West St., Salt Lake , City. Tel. Bell 931. 1591 R e e'tS 1 p' E bi !vn!m5 1 1 fir? Ml H 1 '"-'s th.it in ' I"'1'"!. fd ."'UiM -';:r!..,!;ir'-M '"li f,,r 'v.'.' TM,r(U price nrll !,-,' l ithwarehouW.B I -rna s r r W uvJ In valCo 1 HiW E. W. WlH0v.HOltE8. W This Ui.tlful ,,VrSB ' rv r- spec, d "JJ; I $3V0 buys 7-Vtt mSJ riX E. beneh.3 i m Sji r.ri (..i-v . H 7Vi H 'n-Sh.rmTn'c 1 --room br I '"IE RANCK Rru J jig UZ't tt!a i Buys handsnrao xL laf" A McKHIarftc,1 SEYEN-KOOjPltoT: VemP?erUf UUr8 NEMlbY ACREAgTi ing iniereai :.-r brlek. M( W jjj, gj cash, balance $34 0 maaifl terest. Western UtiuSk East lm South jt. I LIST YOl'P. PROPERTtI Miller, 112 W"22Tj ."ou,sb oFFORmai all out5ldc. Owntr lot dU business. Ro-imi foU. 1 Cr.?9 T 7. Trlbunt. 1 CASH AND will buy a pair of ttw cista southeast part of dty M fine residences: soodorai 12 Fa sl n.l South aj Buys this plaw, It If J all through, clo tota & balanc to suit RANCK REAL Efl 1943 Suite 22 D F 1 ON t.'ORN'KR I-1FTH i st location on north fori 271 H gt ME3KS i LT3 Real Estate an.l Loini l.l'.ck " v A f ri . I : K PERKLVl late and loans X6 Bo, fffi HOMER 4 ROBED SPECIAL, 1 TWO OF THE FIS1 RACE SITES IN 73 SOx!6". ft. 1st Sta 4th ar.,1 Eth East front Short tnlt uf m. nt sidewalk i!l tW Is a beault. W ml lng $100 pr foot 1 S2HT163 fet B,-Wj near Ah Kast. Pns paving tax. fl HOMFR i ROBBl Main ami ut So-ilh (a erct Bast). IN BUYING OR SELLO Ranck Real Estate C 6ult 232 D. F. Waftgll YOUNG & FOAVLtPs ! 7 room pressed brltlt, W ern. with furniture coaH GREAT BARGAIN CHI new, elegant, modern, tra trie light, bath. South J S B OCCASIONAUr gains In real estale. and Trast Co.. Securltr main floor FRO F t KT T cartd lor. Salt U sesar YOUNG & P05B Bl ILD1NG LOTSJiM marl:.:-, in ".K DIVISION, on 12th JM Also, 1 lot, Ut So ,tH 1 lot. 2nd nu9!U2M 6- rnom mod brick H jux1o ?na go. wij tate, rrntjB lofs"; Mparts of .JB rrntTJi!i 7- ROOM HOU8B 1 3.1-acre tract. Hrirflj gee GoddS. hose.Ecorner lot, 5 JiB electric "Kt .9 east front. "1 dw: terrnA Exam re tJUe ( the tjM Mr. In and 1st "Jk t.; 4th 'Jo'. nel jfB walk to Ml"tVbrk wort., Sl: I'irtiW or -ven ieT. 5 t i:ri"' Atl.is hi-l-K |