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Show Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it Is the best cough medicine I have ever taken." says George L. Chubb, a merchant mer-chant of Harlan. Mich. There la no question about its being the best, as It will cure a cough or cold In less time tiian any other treatment. It should j f.lways be kept In the house ready for Instant use, lor a cold can be cured In mueh less time when promptly treated,, For sale by all leading druggists. Skintortures From Pimples to Scrofula fnk From infancy to age, Xsii are instantly relieved fL an3 speedily, per-K-y$' vlyj manently, and eco-tpvZr-y, 7 nomically cured by ilfW l "arm baths of Cuti (Jp cuRASo.APand geutle applications of CUTX CURA Ointment, when all else fails. VothliiR Just ns gocd In tho Floral line as th OEINS FLORAL CO. TURIN OUT. Both 'phones 3100. 141 South Main. Lcav orders early for Decoration uaj T lde:iow CXW ',V'" $2.25- tjM Worrier's best il'A djgL' TfMttaaS'' n - jar rubber heX,'"! ' "lf" for ' ' U- Si' 73 p'ortB 44-flK4at4fJm IpWOODWArul PURI SUGaJ STICK CANB S Is lifst for the 'sMm We have just reciiS largo shipnifnt of H I fashioned randy ml j Iafk.igfs at 2ocfaM lr is f it-.- frfmi ;'.nM, ;in ;i u ltt-ratioiL 1 j v holosome for theiB ; stfrs tht? candjR i mot her used to mW I schramI V7HTRE THE CASSS The Great PreicriSW Drug Store. S j ti?W'??ljWJ |