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Show JUNIOR CLASS GIVE EXERCISES L D. S. Students Have Good Time. Barratt Hall !s Packed With an Enthusiastic Crowd. Interesting Programmo Is Rendered, "The Last Faculty Meeting" Being Be-ing Unusually Clever. Amid the shouts of class Students and the applause of outside friends the Junior class of tho L D S. University gave Its class day exercises at Barratt hall last evening. The body of the hall was packed, the gallery was well fdled. and In all ov-r a thousand -people must have witnessed the exercises. The seniors, who give their programme tonight, to-night, were seated In the front of the hall. Attired In their caps and gowns the proved splendid targets for the juniors, who spent the evening principally princi-pally in poking fun at them. Opened With College Song. The programme opened with tho college song, "Alma Mater An address of welcome wel-come by Class President Richard W. Young, Jr . followed. He Indicated the nature of the pragramme and prepared tin seniors for the ordeal through which they were to go. "A Character Study " was the subject of a very amusing paper read by B F Cummings Tiv paper purported to be s letter sent y the graduating committee to Prof. Mlll'r, who at their request de-B de-B rlbes the heads of the senior boys. The Professor states that It Is siiperfludUS to examine the head- of the girls, as he can get nothing out of them, they are governed gov-erned by their hearts. These he described de-scribed so as to provoke frequent and prolonged outbursts of laughter among the students Last Faculty Meeting. "The Last Faculty Meeting. was by far the cleverest part of the programme lb-re students Impersonating professors met and gave their opinions as to the ad-lsublllty ad-lsublllty of graduating certain members Of tho senior class They decided so as to keep the good ones in college for another an-other year and graduate the bad ones. Impersonation of Paul. B EC. Fakle's impersonation of President Presi-dent Paul was splendid In make-up he looked the president In everv particular, ami when it came to quoting scripture and "as the great poet has said," he proved himself entirely the equal of the president. M Bennlon made a distinct hit as Professor Pro-fessor Hinckley, while Julian Thomas nenl the audience into frequent convulsions convul-sions of laughter bv his matchless Impersonation Im-personation of Professor Jensen. Several Songs Sung. During the evening several well-written songs, full of allusions appreciated only by students of the school, were sung A song detailing the efforts of the seniors to steal away the eatables at the recent Junior banquet was especially well rendered ren-dered bv Edith Grant, Marie Thomas, Stanley Johnson and Julian Thomas. Was Shivery Affair ' A Scene at the Entrance of St. Lucifer's Luci-fer's Residence" was a rather shivery affair, af-fair, ami when a skeleton went dangling across tho stage on a wire, while Its dry bones creaked and rattled, thero was a death-like silence, broken now and then bv sharp laughs that peraded the audience. audi-ence. It was dark, thn-e seniors, dressed In their -aps and gowns, three gaily-dressed gaily-dressed junior girls, and the devil's Imp held the stage. These three seniors alone remained of the "once nohlo class," and to the Juniors tie detailed the terrible fate of their former companions. An Exciting Number. "Ideals and Announcements." by Heber Richards, proved an exciting number. At g other things. Mr Richards nre- tended to expose the programmo which th' seniors will give this evening. Tin.-seniors Tin.-seniors shouted and yelled as he did so. and their actions Indicated that they were Safe, hut the Juniors claim that their assertions as-sertions on the subject were right. The matter remains to be settled this evening when the seniors take their turn at the fun-making. |