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Show AND EXPERT AGENT. Some of the Extraordinary Things President Smith Swore To. Editor Tribune: Among the extraordinary extraordi-nary statements made at Washington by Joseph F Smith the mist extraordinary v..s that In which he stated he had nevrr received ' revelation from God since his elevation to the position of president, prophet, see. and revelalor for the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. U should be remembered thai this raro statement was made, i" the face of his ,,. n definition of what n relation Is. It Is true and he took It all buck after coming com-ing home There Is however, nothing remarkable re-markable about that, it should t. remembered re-membered that when he was talking In VVaahtngtOn hC was under oath and as ne usually when under oath speak the ituth the prebumptlon is that Mr Smith did Certain it is that he either lied In Washington, or else he lied In Salt Lake, How. ver granting that he told the truth in Salt Lake and that he had received rev- elotlons the fact remains that even if he did they vv re of minor Importance and in I no way answers the argument we are , about to make As we understand his position It Is something like this That the Creator of tie- universe is ruling the .-at lh lb .1 f.-r a 1. ng time he rukd It direct with his own hands: that a few vears ago. that Is to sav upon the introduction of Mormonlsm on the earth he changed his plan of operation ope-ration and upon the establishment of the "fullness of the gospel In these latter davs" he appointed living oracles upon the earth and through these living era. lea he made his will known to the world. In nedern parlance he established this system sys-tem of ruling the earth by proxy 'I hat for the Instruction of living oracles ( prophets, seers, and revelators he communicate, com-municate, i ;o them from time to time through revelation, thus making his will known to them and through th'-m made his mind nnl will known to the people or th. earth This method of doing business obtaln.-d from the establishment of tne Mcrmon church up to the time when this modern Jos -ph ll'l was Installed In office of-fice and power, at which time, if he speaks truly the Lord God took a rest, turning thi whole thing over to his earthly mouthpiece mouth-piece and representative. The only conclusion con-clusion that we can arrive at Is, thnt God knew Joseph and knew that he was capable ca-pable of running his affairs on earth, and furthermore that five years of active service ser-vice hath shown that the Lord was cor-tect cor-tect In his diagnosis of the power and ac-c, ac-c, mpllsments .f him. the said Joseph, and that during all these years he has not been found wanting either in planning or executing exe-cuting the great work for which he was e.rdalned and set apart ln plain English as general agent for God on earth Joseph F was a howling success, outstripping all his predecessors In that be has done bis work single handed and alone, while Ms predecessors had to be continuously Bublected to special insiructlons To understand the wonderful powers Of this man and his unquestioned fitness for his position one must first allow his mind to rellect for a moment upon the magnitude magni-tude of the undertaking and secondly upon the frailty of the average human mind What an extraordinary man. ir man he mav be called, this Joseph (F.) is How like unto a god To the end that we may derive some idea of his pre-eminent powers over that Of ordinary mortals let us institute a comparison com-parison . . . -chore 1b a vast amount of business done In this cltv bv foreign corporations through agents appointed for that pur-ocse pur-ocse such as Insurance companies anel so on" 1 St us ake an Insurance agent as an oomple In the first ulace no corporation Will appoint a general agent for a State or Terrltorv unless that agent possesses a remarkable amount of education and .-x-,,. il.-nte That Is to sav the presumption fs that the agent Is a man of ordinary intelligence in-telligence Let us make a visit to his or-Hct or-Hct look over his correspondence and study the history of his connection with the companv Vou will probably ibid that when starting into the business he was supplied with ran- books rubs and regu-lallons regu-lallons and in addition to that probably a sne-lal representative of the company snent sever ii days with him ln giving him a practical knowledg of the business. But w.th all this .nr.- ard painstaking effort bis correspondence win show that almost flails he has found it necessary to write to the horn" Office for special Instructions In other words an agent for a corporation corpora-tion Is continually In touch with the bead n en of the concern Now the largest corporation cor-poration doing business In Ctah through an agent or otherwise Is a small affair when compare! with the kingdom of (J... I rod the labor of Its busiest agent is a-n- thing lomi.are.l to the work of him whose business It la to do the business of one Who IS the mouthpiece of (bill Al- mlghty, and the vicegerent of Jesus t hrlst on earth And y-t I-.s-ph F some five years ago took charge of that Job. assuming assum-ing all of Its r sponslblllties and has sue-CfBSfully sue-CfBSfully lr -scented the work for ull these ., m and that without anv Instruction whatever from th. h-.me office In Cat I it I understand him the home office baa gone out of business or. at least. It has i Min d from taking an active Interest In t having turned the whole thing over to Us earthly agent if this st.- tement mi anc anything it moans he has not received a b tier or anv word whatever since he lirst assumed the dutbs of the position He ,,-,'s lis. t-on ...lie. ting one-tenth of the earnings of the people. Whether or not h na! remitted this am... mi oi anj portion por-tion of It to the home office he does not sav . but he certainly holds no receipt for it for such a receipt, if not a revelation to Joseph, would surely be a revelation to the people There Is no getting away I re m the fact that Joseph F. u.s an agent for God Is an expert W |