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Show TRANSFERS OF REALTY. Salt Lake Property That Changed Hands Yesterday Wlllard Snow et al. to Florence Abrams. lots 7 and 2. Gabbott's addition. $ 4 A lianauer Jr to Phoebe A Miller 25x125 feet, block S2. plat C 1 W M MeCullougb et al to E M Key-sor, Key-sor, 2'xlO rods southeost from northwest north-west corner lot 4 block 23. plat F 1 L. L. Woodruff ot al. to Ashby Snow, lot 3 and 4. block S. plat F 2500 Wllllnm S Burton to Hah Copp-r Co.. northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 15. township 1 south, rango 2 west 100 Jan- i Freeze, et al. to Twentv-fifth t. hoo ,11 -t cm. part sections and 7 township 2 south, range 1 east 1J15 Karon Jullnsen to William Rawllngs. 66 1x176 foei lot 9. block 41 10-ncre A. 600 G. R. Bolhwell et al. to Lillian M Car-gill, Car-gill, 2x? rod, lot 7 block 2, plat A.. . 220 Margaret B Harvey to J. M. Hacey, Gx3 rods northwest from 7 rods west of southeast corner of lot 1. block Jo. plat A 1 Charles M Lees et al to Ida E. White. 10 rod by 31 feet In lot 1 block 13S, plat A 75 G. Q. Cannon Association to J J Cannon, Can-non, part sections U and 14. township 1 south range I west 1 Chsrlea VI". Civik et al. tn c. F Ercan-brack. Ercan-brack. rart C W. Cook lot. P.lnghsm . 1 August MatSOn et nl to Philip Buhre. 37x140 teet lot 2, block 13 idat B 37S G. 8 Holmes et al. to Frank Knox, undivided un-divided ' Interest 10 roda by v:'3 feet lot 2. block 67. plat A 23.750 Missionary society to Scandinavian m E church. 2x3 rods southeast from northwest corner lot S, block 71. plat A 250 F Lawrence to S. L Volley L. & T. Co., port lot 12. block 20. 6-acro A 44 Mary L. Neve to William Rawllngs. part lot 9 block 44. 10-acre A 1 L C. Jcltrev to A W. FOrman, lot 12. block 6. plat B. Wilkes Bingham. . 500 State of Ltah to William -S Burton, northwest quarter of the northwest quarter section 15. township 3 south. 2 west - - &0 Mary E. Taylor to Mrs M W. Wilcox, right of way 216 W Second South 1 Georglana Croshaw to Clar.i Snell, special spec-ial P A. Mlllr to Utah I.oan and Building Build-ing association. L'3xl25 feet block 32. plat C e . low |