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Show Tribune Tips on Today's Races Probable Winners at Gravesend, St. Louis Fair Grounds and Louisville. At Louisville. First race Cottonwood, Sir Huron, Lad Toddlngton Second raceRam's Horn, Klnp of Troy, Manfred. Third race Mcllvaln, Foreigner. Florence Flor-ence Fonso. Foi-rth race Minnie Adams Director, Millet t entry. Fifth race Golden Link Snvord, Red Car. Sixth race Apple, Outwal, Copper-fleld Copper-fleld r,thor clear; track fast At Grnvesend. First race Ivan ihe Terrible, Lady Amelia. Wotan. S'-cond race ( 'on juror. Incubator, Wizard Wiz-ard Third race First Water, Jerry Wern-berr Wern-berr Waterwlng. Fourth race proper t'olonlal Girl, Gra-zlullo Gra-zlullo Fifth race Llttb Woods, Thirty Third. Supreme Court Sixth race Transmute. Don Diego, Voorhces. Weather clear; track fast. At St. Louis Fair Grounds. First race Fireball. Dishabille imatch race.1. Second race Haughty Kiss. Miss Co-sette. Co-sette. Third race Enverlte, Bandlllo. Follies Bergeres. Fourth rare-The Cook Blennenworth, Monaco Mnld Fifth race Bess Chanley. Staltlng, Silver Sil-ver Silo. Sixth race Decoration Hllee, Frank Mi- Soonth rare Fonsolucn. B F Williams Wil-liams Dalesman. Weather clear; track fast St. Louis Fair Grounds ST LOUIg, May 24 St Louis entries for Thursday. Flr.it race, six furlongs, good track or no race special mat. h. Fireball, 10. Dish abille p.1 Second rnee. nine-sixteenths, purse Miss I eeds . . . . lo9 Ml Cos-tte 103 Kiss 103 Bareaparllla ir9 Fon body 101 Field Lark 100 Btavonls 104 Sadie Martin . ..109 Selfish 109 Haughty 104 Balshol 109 Lady Deer 104 MarpcMA .103 Couple '-"elfish and Haughty a.s E E Smath-ers' Smath-ers' entry Third ra-o, six furlongs, selling. Apple Sweet . .. .99 Hcrmolne !7 Brandlllo . 102 The Nurse . Tangent 109 Nordells 102 bedaholle 105 Enverlte 107 Sir Francis II . 103 Debbie Mav 102 Foil lea Bergerles . 100 Tcnderrref t . . 100 Tom Manklns M Fannette 97 Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, handicap. handi-cap. Tartan Monaco Maid 90 The cook . 100 Beknlghted . .. .97 Blennenforth .112 Little Scout 117 Bvways ! Blennenworth and Little Scout. G C. Bennett's Ben-nett's entry. Fifth race, five furlongs, two-year-olds, soiling soil-ing Don Hamilton 106 nequcst 10.1 Watchful 9 Cna C 100 Arthur MC ".'.Silver Sue ... UN Jack Klrcbevllle .101 Bess Chahcey M Burnslette H Maimer 100 Marvel P . 9S Oasis W Eox . 109 Starling iai Sixth race, mile, selling Judge untrlll .. ..110 Dr. Hart 115 Athelroae 1M Decoration 110 Hllee ,.. 110 Sambo 118 Alfred C 115 Loon IIS Little Corker 110 Frank Mc 115 Mayor Graham .115 Avoid 108 Snfeguard ll.'Ladas ...Ho Seventh rare, mile and seventy yards, purse Amerlta 101 Toby Tasa 107 l'ncle Charley . . n5 Lucian .. 103 Dalesman HO Fonsoluca 107 R F Williams . .106 Wenther Hear, fast track. Entries at Gravesend. Special to The Tribune NEW YoRK. May 21 The entries for tomorrow's to-morrow's 1 aces are: First roce. f.r all ages handicap, about six furlongs. Shotgun .125 Stamping Ground 106 Lady Amelia . 121 Workman 100 Toscan 121 Ancestor 100 Irene Llndsy . .1 Rohemlft S3 Gold Smith llfl Marjoram 97 la th Terrible .110 Tom Cod 97 Littl- F.m 106 Her Majesty 100 Wotan 107 Campo 33 BOCOnd race for three-year-olds and up. selling, one mile and a sixteenth Northern star 100 Conjurer in Kehallan 109 Mabel Rich 100 Divination 96 Priority 90 Blls Bnyder lOjaOrthodox i"1 Jacquin 101 Jane Ilollv 104 Gotowln N Wlssrd 103 Incubator 109 Hippocrates . 106 Palette P'- 'The Veiled Lady 9 Third race the Expectation stakes for two-year-olds, live furlongs First Water ... ,136 Quorum IU Jerry VVarnbary ...115 McKlttrldae ill Waterwlng 116 Samson 115 Woolwich us Plebian ...... 112 Lancastrian ,115 Fourth race. Rrooklyn hondlrap for three year-oldl and up. one mile and a quarter. OrazlallO 108 Proper 10S Lord of the Yale . 1 IS Pasadena 93 Delhi 124 Ostrich 92 First Mason . . lis Broomstick 119 Colonial Girl III Sir Brlllar ..... Dainty 114 Loon Idas 104 Fifth race for three-year-olds, selling, about six fiirloncs. confessor 102 Thirty-Third 100 King Cole 107 Hannibal Bey 90 Col. Ruppert 104 Josle B 103 Aposia st fetsam 10J Watermlrror 93 Llncroft 93 Flgllght 105 Ivhlnvar 103 Fort Arthur . N Supreme Court . . 9$ Vladivostok I"' Pclham 103 T.itti.- words .. .... 96Mald Tirabucto Grav IjiiI 96 Mxth race, for maiden two-year-olds, five furlongs. Succeed 101 Adesso US Transmute ,., 109 Hpje M-mlm ,101 DondlegO ll- "alencla 109 Vagabond lOSBweetheart . . 109 Voorheea 11! Fastln 112 Flip Flap 1W Miss Point irrfi Remington 113 How About You . .112 Sandy D 112 Casslnl 112 Weather oiear. fast track Ao-.rentico allowance 1 Entries at Louisville. Special to Ths Tribune LOl'ISVII.LE. Ky May -'4 Tomorrow s t.iri. .nirli- Are as f. ll..ws First race, five furlongs purse MImh Scott 97 Malleable 100 I.lllta 1 ottontown . . . .107 Nettle Gay . ... 7 Lady Toddlngton 1"9 Anno Stone . . ..97 Stoeseel US. sir Huon 100 Kersbsval 112 Chai field ... 100 Second race, seven furlongs purse. Bullnskl 101 Manfred 10S Clyde 0 101 bamshoni I1T King of Troy . . . . 104 Sllverskln 118 Third rnee mile, seiiimr ,nig Bench ... . 86 'Bradley's Pet .. .. 95 Heidelberg M Judge Traynor 101 Mrll.aln 89 Gay Minister . ...101 garanola 80 Foreigner 03 Ed Smith . . . ' Ijiz' 11 U'3 Florence Fonso . rt Autollght .... ... 107 Fourth race, five furlongs, the Juvenile etnki!.. selling MOCCaslri Ugld IS Mlnnlo Adams . ,.101 Dr Wendell . 99 Helena C 103 TlchlmlngO . . 97 Nuns 'lllng ... . 104 Hol P-llol . .. .101 HermltBLge 107 Mnplo Nurst . . .103 Director 110 Couple Helena Nuns Veiling ns Millet entry en-try Fid h rare, steeplechase, short course Forada. Jr 12 Don Ami 137 Belle Dodson 127 Savond . .1-D Bprinawater 132 rtei car 14s Altona 133 Golden Link 11 Blue Mint ...... 118 Sixth race, mil and twenty yards, selling Apple S Madoc 102 ninehiido 88 Copper Field . .. 103 Burrows 100 pirate .. .104 Phlora 100 Major Manslr . 04 Roger Smith ...101 Hell tho Cat 10. Ebenv .10 2 Curate 106 Out Wal .102 Apple allowance. Weather clear, fast track. American Association. At Kansas City Kansas City 3, Indianapolis 4. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 3. Toledo ". At Milwaukee Milwaukee r. Loulsvtlla 0 At bt. Taul St. Paul, 10, Cvlumbus, 9, |