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Show I AS TO GET-RICH I QUICK CONCERNS I Has Salt Lake Been I Invaded? "Commercial Clear White Diamonds" Said to Be Sold Here. Schonio by Which $150 Is to Paid on Every $100 Contract. 3Ias Suit Lak a "gat-rlch-QUick" PH concern such as was recently denial the mulls by th United Stairs, on the ground that tho company Tas engaged In B fraudulent business" Tho company re-f re-f erred to which was refused tho malls did bUllneaa In Minneapolis under tho name of tho Hathorn Mutual Commission com-psny, com-psny, and in its caso against Postmaster W. D. Hale of Minneapolis for preventiaJK PPJ The delivery of Its mall, th- decision was iH given h Judgs I.iliran In tho United PH States District court at Minneapolis PB ncninst tho plaintiff, on the ground that PH the business was actually fraudulent Tho PH company which does the work hero on th- fiimf principle exactly is the Internatlon-al Internatlon-al Mercantile company, which has been PH doing buslnesM In this elt for nhout ono Pl e;.r. and It Is known that many people PH have invested In It Awakens Passing Notice Of course, there may be a wide dlffer-er.ee dlffer-er.ee between these two, hut Investigation PPJ has failed to show It So far as can be Pl learned the Salt 1-ake company has de- frauded no one, and the president Is said PPJ to be a man of Integrity. SUM, the similar- PPJ Ity In business methr)ds is such as lo PH awaken more than passing notice The PPJ companv in Minneapolis has had several PH fraud orders Issued against It. and has PH bobbed up serenely after each order under another name. Here la a comparison of PPJ facts which speaks for Itself ! Sells White Diamonds. The company In Minneapolis was first PH known as the Devon1 Diamond company and afterward as the Hathorn Mutual Commission company, and has for Us tD-Ject, tD-Ject, according to Its contract, the selling of "a commercial clear white diamond, value 200." or the value of your mone . On the contract appear the words: "A Diamond ContricL The International M. n .intlle company Co-Partnershlp Home Office, Denver Weekly Install-m Install-m nt, $1 85." Both of these companli s. the on.- declared fraudulent In Minneapolis and the one Just starting business In this City, have for their object the selling of a diamond, or the giving of money to the ,, value of the diamond to the contracl In.),. cr. The diamond, of course, Is only a blind to escape gambling laws 'II"- dla-mond dla-mond Is never delivered. When payment Is made It Is done by money. Promises Made. The scheme of the company in Mlnne-spoils Mlnne-spoils was to issue certificate!) at iBU) which the eompan asserted would - . be worth $1Vi. Ti e company of this city promises to pay 1160 on ev,-ry tlOO contnu t made with patrons The amount promised Is dllTeient, the profit on the Salt Laku concern not being as mUCh .is that on tl.e Minneapolis concern, but the principle ln- olved Is exactly the same. Bach In the cintract made "the statement that the money, or a commercial clear while dla- mond worth the amount paid plus the profit promised, would be given the con tract holder How Payments Are Made. In the Minneapolis concern pament must i.e made weekly, with jr. down, and $1 25 per week then after until the full 80 was paid In the Salt Lake concern payments are made weekly, at the rate ,.f !.SB pi r week until the eightieth we k. whereupon the company agr. es to pay the contracl holder HoO when there Is, to quote from Its circular, "that amount In the redemption fund of the company, and all contracts of prii r date and number have been retired by forfeiture or redemption; redemp-tion; we will deliver to you or your leg,il representative or anslgn a commercial. White and clear diamond to the value of and It you do not want the diamond we will find a purchaser who will pay (160 cash for the same ' Similar in Its Working. Tli? Minneapolis concern claims that of the weekly payments R5 cents was to go I into the redemption fund. v. cents to the company's own use, and the remaining part if the $s0 for thr purpose of carrying or. the bllftlneSS. As often ;is there might be S 1 1 i ie redemption fund the lowest cert tflc itc hold, r would draw that amount The Sail Lake concern has a similar contract To quote from the contract: What Contract Says "The company shall employ ono dollar of each weekly installment (except tin-first tin-first eight WCQks) of one dollar twenty-flv cents paid in on this and other contracts, together with all lapSo?, forfeitures, tines and interest accruing thereunder, in the purchase ;nd lr-li-ry of the diamond required re-quired for the performance oi sucli contracts, con-tracts, and may retain all other sums paid 1r thereon, Including the remaining 1X per cent out of each weekly Installment for Its own use and payment of expenses." Two Contiaets Paid. So far is can be learned, only two men In this city have been paid since the contiaets con-tiaets were taken. One of these men was the'.r agent at tho time of the beginning of ihe business in thin city His name Is w n Conklln. He has since l ft the employ em-ploy of the company and has started a s.mllar coneerh in thia cltv The contracts in Ids tlrru are made payable after about thirty-five weeks only, but the principle Is exactly the same ar.d the method of Operating Is the same. Denounce Conklin. Naturally, the International Mercantile -. mpany denounces him and says that he t. ,.k out tlie.ue contracts without their knowledge .iii.l undei assumed names In order to beat the companv by getting the bi neflt of the tlrst contracts The coin-P coin-P : Bays that It was unable to advertise the fact that these payments were made, because Conklln was their agent at tho lime. Officers Live In Denver. A man named Oibson has taken his place In this city, and nt present Is the only representatl e of the firm in t lie cltv. an the president, J. C Reed, and the secretary, H. Bronson, am in Denver, where the hjme offiee in situated National Commission Company. The company lust started In this city DJ Conklln, Assisted hv a man named B F Norton, Is known as the National i ommlsslon company. The other man to receive payment Is a prominent Salt Laker who took out several contracts at the same time One contract of tC has been paid to him. Mr need Is recommended recom-mended by two hanks in Denver, notably the Denver Savings bank which allows Its name used In the circulars, and savs that thli money Is checked out only to pay redemption contracts The international '..mm elon company In this city has an office in the Atlas block, and Mr QlbSOn, tlv aceni, s-ild to a reporter yesterday. "Mr P.ee.i has boon in thi-. business for twenty-throe years. I do not know whether he hss oiticpk in cities other than Denver and Salt ihe. i i one to work for him only a short time ruT and onl then after In vest lea t Ing the business and wrltting to prominent men concerning Mr. Reed. I am sure it Is the straight t hlng " Personal Letters Shown. Mr. Gibson then showed the reporter copies of pcrsonui letters which had passed pass-ed between him and two Denver hanks. and a prominent Denver man relative to Mr Reed and the international Commission Commis-sion company, in which both were recommended recom-mended strongly. He also showed the redeemed checks for several contracts though he could show none for Salt Lake contracts. Simply n Comparison No claims nr,- made in this article thai thi international Commission ..mpany Is fraudulent A comparison Is simply drawn between the International "Vm mission comp.m now doing business In Salt Lake city and Denver and perhaps other places, and the Hathorn Mutual 'otnmlsslon company, or Dcvore Diamond Dia-mond companv of Minneapolis which was prevented from doing nn more business under either of thrs names May 16 of ti.1-; year in tho courts of Minneapolis through th' Intervention of Postmaster w i Hale of thai city. Phe latter concern con-cern was branded as a "got-rlch-qulck" concern. How would the International Commission companv. or tho new business busi-ness lust started The National f.immis-slon f.immis-slon company, he ilasslfled'1 Use the Locpress Company. The International Commission company Is In no danger of having Its money orders or-ders mopped by the rostofTb e here, as all tne money Is sent from this city to the home office In Denver by means of lh . Us Fargo Express company. But there must be many letters passing through the mail relative to this business busi-ness Might not Postmaster Thomas ntop these on the same grounds as Posl- master w i Hale of Minneapolis refused re-fused the malls to the Minneapolis com- pany and which led Judge Lochran on May ! 6f this year to support this act by a verdict against the plaintiff, the Hathorn Commission compan) " |