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Show Presbyleriaiis Will Pension Pastors Indorse Project for Collection of Ten-Million-Dollar-Fund for Annuities. WINONA LAKE. May St. The general assembly of the Presbyterian church to-daj to-daj heard, discussed and approved the recommendations Incorporated In the reports re-ports of the committees on foreign mls-sk mls-sk ns and Sunday-scho,l work; appointed a committee to investigate and report on the feaslblUt) of the plan of Justice Harlan Har-lan of the T'nlted States Supreme court tor the erection of a Central Presbyterian cathedral at th capital, and Indorsed a project which proposes tho collection of a permanent fund of $10,000,000, tho Income from which i to 1,5 e., iiiled ill annuities for aged ministers of the Presbyterian church and their families. The committee on sustenance was commissioned to undertake under-take th work of establishing this fund. Has a Permanent Fund. Th' committee now has a permanent fund of nearly $1.6r)000 with which to te-gln te-gln operations. The remainder Is to be raised among congregational contributions, contribu-tions, gifts, and an Insurance scheme by Which a minister mav by paying about $24 a year for thirty '.'nrf, draw an annuity annu-ity of $00. Before the thirty years have elapsed. It Is estimated that the permanent fund will be sufficient to Increase the annuity to $1000. Chore are ,v:n ministers entitled to share In this annuity plan Want Control of Young People. The assembly will undertake to get control con-trol of Its young people by transferring them from the jurisdiction of the Christian Chris-tian Endeavor union to the direct care of the Presbyterian church This, it Is ex-pepted, ex-pepted, will be the most Important business busi-ness before the assembly tomorrow |