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Show LIVE STOCK. Chicago. CHICAGO. May 24 Cattle Receipts M.000. Markot lOfflfc lower. Good to prlir." Btseisj tiCO-iifi.&O. poor to incJIUDi, $4.25iji..90. stock-ers stock-ers and feeders. $2 7f.'55.2."; COWS. 52 60i5 ': heifers. $2 50'tf3.35: canners. $1 7-Off2 .40; bu!ls. L 0004.76: calves. $3.00'( ' 7 Hogs Receipts. 33.000; tomorrow. 2S.0O, Market .'gps- lower Mixed an 1 t-u'rhcr. 15.25y5.55: goo-1 to choice ha.v , $5 401.524; rough heav. $ . .of) , 3.',. light. $5.30y5.524: bulk. $'. 40 B i ro Sheep Recelits le.ri Sheep and lamb IQc lowor. Good to choice wethers 'shorn). jl.60d5 2'j; fair to choice mix. d i -horn). J3 1Y4.60. Western shorn sheei, $4 06,26; native Inmli i (shorn). 64. 5056.50; Western larnbs. IS 73 7.50. Omnhn. SGITTII OMAHA May 24 Cattle Rec Ipts. (400 Market Mow . 10c lower Native M'crs. $4,254(76 ). cows ar.d heifers. $3.70(1 1.80: Western West-ern steers. $3.596.00; canners $2O053 1: Miockers and feeders. $2.7u.i4 '.o: calves, M-OOQ 6.00; bulls, stags, etc , $2.504 60. Hogs Receipts. 19.00I1 Market 10c lOWOT Heavy. $.". 17. .' 23. mixed. $". 15 i '5. 20 ; light. 5.10 06.30; pigs. $4.005.00; bulk Of sales. 66.160 6.2). Sheep Rcelpts. 10.500 . Market weak. L.imbs 10c lower W-st.rn yearlings ("shorn), $5,003-5.15; wethers ishorn). S-l 40.5 00, ewes (shorn), $4.004 75. lomhs (wooled). 66.S0O7.SSi lambs ishcrn), 6S.OSOO.40. Ka-npns City. KANSAS CITY. May :i -Cattle Receipts. 10,000. Market 10 cents lower. Native steers. H 16 ft ', native cows and heifers $2.2' itockera and feeders, $2.254 911. bulls. $2. 7&'& 4. CO; calves. $3.000660; tV'estern fed steers, 64.KO0.00: Western fed COWS, 6S.26O6-00, Hugs Recelpls. 16.1100 Market Ee to 74c lower. Pulk of sAles. 6S.2606.S5; heavy. 16.10 5.35, packers. IS.2606.S6; pigs and light. X.60 S.20. Khcer- Receipts. 7'Vi0. Muiket steady to 10 cents lower. Mutton", $4 ooti .". 7 1 . lambs, $5 75 '?" 35. ronge wthcr:. M-06O6.40 1 fed cwea, u a j 1 7.-,. |