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Show Statement of Ownership, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Published under the Act of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 19, United States Code. 1. Title of Publication, Pleasant Grove Review. 2. Date of filing:Ocl. 1, 1975. 5. Frequency of ssue:Weekly. 4. and 5. Location of office of publication, and location of the headquarters or general business offices of the publishers: 11 South Main, Pleasant Grove, Utah, 840G2. 6. and 7. Names and addresses ad-dresses of the Publisher, and editor: A, B. Gibson, 970 East 2nd South, Pleasant Grove, Utah, 840C2. ' Managing editor: Jack S. Pace, 970A East 2nd South, Pleasant Grove, Utah. 84062. 7. Owner: Pleasant Grove Review, Inc., 11 So. Main, Pleasant Grove, Utah, 84062; Stockholders, : A. B. and Geneva P. Gibson, 970 E. 2nd S., PI. Grove, Utah; Jack S. and Alton G. Pace, 970A E. 2nd S. PI. Grove, Utah; and Clela G. Radmall, 1140 Monitor Drive, Reno, Nevada. 8. There are no known bondholders bon-dholders mortgagees and other security holders of the corporation. cor-poration. 9. Under the act, I hereby request permission to mail this publication at the rates authorized by 39 U.S.C. 3626 10. Not applicable by this corporation. 11. Extent and nature of circulation (1st number is average No. of Copies each issue during preceding 12 months, 2nd number actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing dale. A. Total No. of copies printed: prin-ted: 1759, 1700. B. Paid Circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: 32, 42. 2. Mail Subscriptions: 1,480; 1.473. C. Total Paid Circulation: 1.512, 1,515. D. Free distribution: 168, 90. E. Total Distribution, sum of C and I). 1,680, 1,605. F. Copies not distributed, 79, 95. 2. Returns from News Agents: 00, and 00. G. Total, sum of E and F (should equal net press run shown in A: 1,759, 1,700. I certify (hat the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Jack S. Pace Business Manager |