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Show ' ' V. : 1 f ,. : t " ,- ' ; ' """ - ( MISS MINDY BARRATT j Mindy Barrott to Marry Robert Brooks on Oct. 16 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Barratl, American Fork announce an-nounce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mindy to Robert Brooks son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks, American Fork. The couple will be married Thurs. the 16th of Oct. with a reception following at the Manilla Ward Cultural Hall. Attending the bride will be Michelle Barratl Bonnie Lewis, Debra Wilkins and (linger McLaughland. The bride is a graduate of Pleasant Grove High School where she was active in GAA and Debate. She is also a graduate of LDS Seminary. Mr. Bi'ooks is a graduate of American Fork High School where he also graduated from Seminary. He is presently employed in Salt Lake City. The couple plan to make their home in American Fork. |